
"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

The World War III, the Self-Destruction War.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
Arab countries have judged as Hamas-Israel war isn’t Israel’s self-defence.
No.2447. Studying Quantum Biology.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
fig.1:Studying Quantum Biology fig.2.1.2:See for y-axes,Studying Minkowski’s Space-Time fig.2.1.3 (1)
Practicing Music; Fingering Technique
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
I'm practicing music for the Abraham language, and the instrument
Studying Minkowski’s Space-Time
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
Today I've begun to study Minkowsky's Space-Time. Following the inspiration,
The Bone Transmission and the Base-X; the Common Denominator for Deaf and Blind People and Me.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
I think that deaf people can also experience the vibration
Base-X Tunings for Instruments
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
I'm setting my electric violin with base-√3, because the frequency
(the Symbolic; Origin) ∨ (the Progressive Matching System)
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
Alvin Toffler who is futurologist said in his book "The
I’ve bought an Electric Violin.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
I practice base-x music with Violin.Violin can be played if
ENIGMA-like, but as just practice.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
I'm practicing Maxima of a mathematics calculator.I remember my article,
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