
"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

Israel-Palestine War. USA, the UK, Russia, EU, the Abraham Language and Abraham Accord.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
There is Palestinian National Authority, but it isn't a sovereign
Not against the Duplicated Leverages, but from the Two Points Observation of Any Potential Energy.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
Frace’s Macron, Italy’s Meloni Join Forces in Bid to Tackle
The Leading Practice.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
I'm planning that I will make a contract with a
Subconscious AI. No.2442, {Art libido; Freud, Statistics; Lacan}set → {{the space}set-time}set.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
According to Freud, who established the psychoanalysis, explained the spiritual
The Bone Transmission and the Base-X; the Common Denominator for Deaf and Blind People and Me.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
I think that deaf people can also experience the vibration
(the Symbolic; Origin) ∨ (the Progressive Matching System)
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
Alvin Toffler who is futurologist said in his book "The
I’ve bought an Electric Violin.
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
I practice base-x music with Violin.Violin can be played if
Survival 3
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
fig.1:The death sentence was done in 1975. The man who
Survival 2
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
I bought MIRO of the great painter. It should have
家制度 (the family system); 河原乞食 (shores-of-river beggar) and 穢多非人 (much-impurity non-human)
By Kyo Nissho | | 0 Comments |
The traditional Japanese arts were played by 河原乞食 (shores-of-river beggar).Japanese
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