Daily Note on 1st March 2025.

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

Daily Note on 1st March 2025.

The main articles will not be updated for security until I will leave Japan.
This blog's all data have been exported into SD memory, I will restore the data on a server of UK or Israel when I'll live there.



I was/am poor.
I worked long time a day, e.g. 16 hours a day.
But I study 15 minites at every early morning, and it became to be obtained that many inspirations were flooding toward every 15 minutes at early morning.

It was rhythm.
My study custom at early morning maintained my subconscious derived inspirations to forcus to appear at the 15 minutes.

It is now too, in fact when I slept while using EEG, the brain wave measurement instrument, my brain wave became maximum gamma wave on the measurement. Usually it becomes an alpha wave or a theta wave.

I.e. I'm studying while I'm sleeping.
Also mental block by conscious is sleeping with conscious while sleeping. Then gamma wave level subconscious is leading entire brain study.

I hurry to write the achievements while I was sleeping when I awake.
So I achieved the first scheme method until 1996.

(a) Purpose suitable to DNA, and (b) rhythm for subconscious activity.
The methods of the Abraham prophecy are very powerful to (a) and (b).


I was writing about {F(p1+p2) × Fp3} a short time ago after awaken.


About transcendental concept (reason concept), understanding concept and sensing intuition,
(c) "Love is 2" is logically failed.
(d) "{love}reason_concept is {2}sensing_intuition" is logically failed.
(e) "{love}reason_concept {of 2}understanding_concept" is logically true.
(f) {of 2}understnading_concept is potentially referring {2}sensing_intuition of phenomena.
(g) "Lovers (love of 2) [omitted verb] along river" is logically true.
(h) I seek and observe the omitted verb.

Above is the restoration from the second reflexive to first reflexive, and to 0th reflexive i.e. the great contexts over history.
And as so, I'm tring I-Ching of Confucianism over (c)~(h), and I'm waiting next inspirations for each early morning to my advanced study.

Recommended articles:

The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept

No.2707, Genesis 20, Fallen Lucifer Controls People with Fear, but Female Endings Phenomena.

No.2944. The Distribution Observed from i0 for Ultra-Light Speed and -Gravity.

No.2941. Gestalt Psychology, Reason Concept over Insight, Leibniz’s Analysis sent to Father Joachim Bouvet for Chinese Approach to a Perfect Language.

No.2887. Inverse Direction of [0, 0] from Sun to Earth’s +Gravity Core.

Studying Quantum Biology 3

No.2535. Beyond the Light Speed, Toward Outside Our Galaxy.

No.2525. The applied Ein Sof (אין סף).

No.2523. Creating the Simulator with Preparing Maxima Programming.

e: Existence Reaction (no.2502).

Continuing to Study also on March 26th 2024, Hebrew Bible and -Gravity.

No.2458. Genesis 19, Verse 1 with the imaginary number space.

As rough assumption, energy is being released with about 600 billion nuclear explosion of Hiroshima scale.

Survival 6

No.2932. 4761 times deadly destruction if dealing countries ignoring sovereignty.

(C) Copyright 2025 Kiyom Nishio (Kyo Nissho). All rights reserved.

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