No.2941. Gestalt Pscychology, Reason Concept over Insight, Leibniz’s Analysis sent to Father Joachim Bouvet for Chinese Approach to a Perfect Language.
While fig.4.0~fig.4.2, I used the first scheme method as albebra of reason concept.
You may remember the second scheme method, it is yes.
For example, if we think
(1) Love is 2 (or love = 2).
We understand immediately (1) is a way of broken thinking.
Then as (2) to (3)
(2) Love of 2 who walk.
(3) {Love as reason concept} {of 2 who walk as constructive concept}.
We can understand (2) and (3), further more (4) to (5),
(4) {Love} {of 2 walk} [omitted phenomenal neuro-sensation],
(5) e.g. lovers walk along a river.
From (1) to (5) is the restoration ability of reason,
i.e. reason ability → construction ability → sensing ability.
The (1)~(5) are essence of the second set of the first scheme method, a-priori obtains a-posteriori when reason wins sensed object in the restoration procedure, i.e. from the second reflexive to the first reflexive in case of the second set. It is the inverse procedure of "a-posteriori obtains a-priori as realization procedure, i.e. from the first reflexive to the second reflexive in case of the second set."

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