With mathematics, numbers as sensing intuition of a-priori ability (before experience ability) are sent to categories as a-priori constructive ability, synthesis is done there, if the synthesis refers any number in true, the synthesis is a-priori.

When {(reflexived; category X) → (reflexived; category Y)} as reason intuition refers a number in true, there is something potential synthesis.
If you see fig.1 with a kind of Gestalt psychology as from a form including numbers to perceive potential world generated from insight, continue to see fig.2.
Fig.1's photograph is from "The Beauty of Nature: Photo books of view for relax." created by D.J. Joey.

Leibniz, the mathematician and philosopher, sent fig.2's analysis for I-Chin of China to Father Joachim Bouvet. But I-Chin's numbers are {constructive category → reason category (transcendental category like love)}, it isn't {sensing intuition → constructive category [will send construction force to reason ability]}.
Chinese refers their inherited books then. Because if Chinese emperor changed or was replaced, their books were inherited over history.
Any potential world over insight let Chinese refer their inherited books.
Although in fig.2, Leibniz used not {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} but {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} because Leibniz regarded 0 was Ying (as negative factor), and 1 was Yang (as positive factor), i.e. F2 of {0, 1} because Ying-Yang are spinning. But I'm not sure here Leibniz's numbers were F8 of spin number (Galois field) because Galois was not yet born.
And Umberto Eco regarded I-Chin as Chinese approach to perfect language.

In case of the first scheme method, the numbers on constructive category are appeared on the reflexives, e.g.,

According Kant, cognition is from sensing to constructive category, from constructive category to reason concept to be led by force to conceive.
The realization inverse:
1 (scheme) is 1 (reflexive).
E.g. Sarah conceived Isaac: (1) the world phenomena sensed (2) to realize time force [from Genesis to miracle] (3) requires to conceive Isaac, [following the calling from soul, following Lord].

Reason concept will be realized via time force, although reason concepts have inverse interval of fig.4.0's (3) to (2) to (1), i.e. requiring Isaac ((3)) to imgine the time scale e.g. 200 years (inverse (2)) then observe the present world in pain ((1)).
The realization inverse:
1 (antecedent) is in 4 (reflexives).

Then Sarah knows the antecedent and the consequent. Another two schemes are now the developped future, or if you think so, a palace.
The realization inverse:
1 (antecedent) to 1 (consequent) is in 4 (reason concepts) and 4 (reflexives).
While fig.4.0~fig.4.2, I used the first scheme method as albebra of reason concept.
You may remember the second scheme method, it is yes.
For example, if we think
(1) Love is 2 (or love = 2).
We understand immediately (1) is a way of broken thinking.
Then as (2) to (3)
(2) Love of 2 who walk.
(3) {Love as reason concept} {of 2 who walk as constructive concept}.
We can understand (2) and (3), further more (4) to (5),
(4) {Love} {of 2 walk} [omitted phenomenal neuro-sensation],
(5) e.g. lovers walk along a river.
From (1) to (5) is the restoration ability of reason,
i.e. reason ability → construction ability → sensing ability.
The (1)~(5) are essence of the second set of the first scheme method, a-priori obtains a-posteriori when reason wins sensed object in the restoration procedure, i.e. from the second reflexive to the first reflexive in case of the second set. It is the inverse procedure of "a-posteriori obtains a-priori as realization procedure, i.e. from the first reflexive to the second reflexive in case of the second set."

Chinise characters are ideogram, ideogram holds reason concept.
Phonogram was originally hieroglyphics, hieroglyphics held reason concept.
Hebrew in the Hebrew Bible uses consonants including reflexive, i.e. consonants are aimed as reason concept.
Perfect language requires realization from reason concept to phenomena including over time force.
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