February 11th update

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

February 11th update


No.2932. 4761 times deadly destruction if dealing countries ignoring sovereignty.



According to some news report which I read, Wall Street's traders who have their designed mortgages (mortal engages) exit (leave there) after selling out the model and deals. In the last year, 50% Americans might not settle their debt.
The mortal engages are seemingly bought by non-banks. And if it is true, the international mortal engages are dealt by non-banks in America, to Americans. It will raise 25% more dangerous by the 25% tariffs. If Americans incomes are regarded in a standard distribution, the 25% shifted distribution center will may make 1/2330 ≒ 0.0429% survival rate, i.e. the rate will may raise from 50% to 99.9571%.


According to some news report which I read, Wall Street's traders who have their designed mortgages (mortal engages) exit (leave there) after selling out the model and deals. In the last year, 50% Americans might not settle their debt.
The mortal engages are seemingly bought by non-banks. And if it is true, the international mortal engages are dealt by non-banks in America, to Americans.

As usual, the absolute benefit of economy may be 30%, and the tariff raises 15% of (10% → 25%), then (30% : 15%) = (2 : 1) = 50%. Americans must get the productivity 2 times higher, if the distribution's center point is 50%, (50% higher of 50% is +25%) → 75% in the next distribution. This means "all Americans must be at the 75% distribution center of the entire world over the mortal engages.
The danger will raise 25% more by the 25% tariffs. If Americans incomes are regarded in a standard distribution, the 25% shifted distribution center will may make 1/2330 ≒ 0.0429% survival rate in the world, i.e. the rate will may raise from 50% to 99.9571%.

I'm not sure why President Trump does this.
(1) Brutal settlement of the globalism? "Destroy!, buy and sell [with the straight armed salute]!"
(2) Because Donald J Trump is the master of real estate deal of domestic economy, not of global economy?
(3) Another?

I can't agree the policy of "buy and sell Greenland or Gaza as Riviela, get Canada for next mortal engages", I believe it will be beyond Ukraine war and Hamas-Israel war.

(C) Copyright 2025 Kiyom Nishio (Kyo Nissho). All rights reserved.

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