No.2035. Verb Double Reflexives onto Every Space Surface.
(1) Water [omitted verb X] grape.
(2) [omitted verb X] become (as verb Y) wine.
(3) Verb X: to derive life, verb Y: to use space-time.
(4) (3) {light⇦, to resolute sugar content} | ⇦ means reflexive here.
(5) (4), but light itself doesn't resolute suger, { , , ⊥} exists there.
(6) "Water becomes God (O1, reflexive as V0 or es (it) as S2 in case of German) wine (O2).
These (1)~(6) didn't use mathematics or physics, but are deriving space-time, although can be connected mathematics and physics. I.e. a case of double verb reflexive for reason intuition.
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