Studying Quantum Biology 3

The right red circle is the Galois field, the +direction and the -direction are in the equal circle, therefore { , 0} and {i0, } should be found, here i0 exists the orthogonal coordinate with { , 0}. And +amount = -amount in F-, therefore i0 exists just and only one.
I've drown fig.3.6a that {C, E, G} and each oppotunity of♭and # are given, and fig.3.6a's i0 should be just and only one as fig.3.6b.

If the entire amount of + and - of Cosmos is equal, but +direction of the spin can not have same place of 0 with -direction of the same spin.
The link:
No.2887. Inverse Direction of [0, 0] from Sun to Earth’s +Gravity Core.

Fig.3.6a and fig.3.6b were played/practiced by me in fig.3.7's rhysms.
The link:
No.2872. {fastest literature -> space-time_coordinates, the common denominator of music and mathematics}.

With fig.3.8 the orthogonal of F+ and F- can be observed in another case, { , y, z} and {x, , z} exists in orthogonal with { }. I.e. F+ and F- exist in different geometric space-time, the difference makes [0, 0] like fig.3.6a and fig.3.6b.
The link:
The Imaginary Number Space. The Twin Pillars and the Atmospheric current Meandering to Derive Abnormal Weather.
See fig.2.4 again.
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