Survival 6

(a) Rare earth is usually in order to strengthen magnetic power.
(b) According to recent report, when free radicals are forced into directions' accord, and at a very low temperature, the free radicals generate magnetic field/power.
(c) the light has the imaginary time which generates {+time + -time = 0} in [0, 0]interval of light.
(d) (a)~(c) are in the same characteristics of imaginary number field that I'm studying.
Rare earth is related to [0, 0] as stopping as Newtonian physics, and as indirectly generating power as quantum physics.
As a range I know, except China and Greenland, very great amount of rare earth is sleeping in Australia, as indirectly generating power; [0, 0] of imaginary number space, although [0, 0] of -time in light generating lives is the most popular instance.
Fig.5.0.6's link:
Studying Quantum Biology 3
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