Just enjoying to create maze and monsters.

I used Tarot, put a disintegration bead on the centre, and prepared the progress branches written on a memo pad. The right side is for monsters, the left side is my play.

When I as monster predicted a winning, the monster as I put a Tarot card above the disintegration bead. When the monster predicted a losing, a Tarot card below the disintegration bead. And threw two dice and judged which had won over the Tarot's direction and dice's number. The white dice are my left vitality.
In fig.1 and fig.2, I should fight with a monster twice in order to survive the first turn, therefore the golden dice and the Tarot cards had put twice, my vitality decreased.

Tarot appears in category, the reading is given by those who use Tarot. The Tarot's space-time is which a effecting into subconscious or a projected onto a spread is. A category before a given number doesn't define number, e.g. a man stole an apple but the penalty isn't shared before the number (e.g. the money) is given by the society, or by a violence which increases the social anti-productivity.
Fig.3 is a case of projection mapping in numbers onto what {space, time} is projected i.e. how projections themselves are mapped, then any category can have the shared space-time. Although a fixed projection mapping means a fixed definition of the category to spoil other possible readings, or the out of definition belongs -probability as how another system can exist, then how the society's energy aiming at rebirth can have the new field indicated by the -probability to be sought behind him/her.

I applied also Jeffrey CCH's Age Of Civilization.
Glass beads can quickly connect the projection mapping with the first scheme method, because the beads are free axes of dimensions.
Fig.1: I could describe the first scheme method for the maze and the monsters based on my experience over the progress. Or each people could describe based on each unique imagination over the shared play, and could compare each unique description, then the synthesized collective subconscious will be met.
Fig.4: As another field work, I also entered the virtual space of Tomb Raider 2 to expand my experience via fig.4.
This no.2911 is not for a given experience but creating experience toward unknown realization.
This idea can be applied to any board game in order to synthesize to create experience.
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