Any sounds can be selected for each rhythm of a, b and c, although the rhythms should keep the figure in your cognition. This makes [0, 0] appear.
{a, b, c} with fingers and some melody with remaining fingers. Or a looper is useful.
* 1 isn't a prime number, 1/1 = 1 of inclination of inclination.
* 3 is a prime number, 3/3 = 0/3 = (3^1 + 0)/3 = (00)/0 = 1 of inclination in F3.
* e.g. 0/5 = 0/0 because 5 = 0 in F5, (5^2 + 0)/5 = ((5 on ^2) + (0 on ^1) + (0 on ^0))/0 = (000)/0 = 1 of inclination.

One of that I'm approaching to {0 and [0, 0], inclination 1, increasing and decreasing {+1, -1}} is already not difficult to discover the calculation method. It is close.
Also in Chinese philosophy, Cosmos is large Universe and life is small Universe. Chinese philosophy, Taoism, regards human life is realized with spirit (気 in Chinese), {inclination 1} is blood (血), and the progress is water (水).
Then if I regard {0 and [0, 0]} is spirit (気 in Chinese), {inclination 1} is blood (血), and the progress {±1} is water (水), it isn't contradictory to my Taoism study until today.
This research needs vast amount of practice, because it is about entire Universe and lives. Although I believe that Covid-19, the mimic of life energy, is the evil side of the practice. But if to see isn't learned, nothing is seen.

All reason concept of (a-posteriori -> a-priori) is placed on the second set's 0 (item 2-3). Taoism pentagram and hexagram was placed originally at the first scheme method was born on 2-3. The realized numbers are found in the interval [1-4, 2-4, 3-4] of the outer reflexives -> {0 and [0, 0], 1, ±1} of the spins of the denomination of music and mathematics.

Fig.2's [0, 0]s are repeating by a musical looper. Musical looper keeps any recorded sound to repeat.
I've practiced today two melodies by left hand and right hand with a synthesizer based on this [0, 0]s in order to generate i0.

This time, I intended to make a fastest literature connect space-time coordinates.

Fig.4's detail; an unknown small bead is included to the big bead at (3/8, 6/12)coordinates_of_Galois_field represented with שׂ (sin) for undefined ד (daret), the big bead is a system of the small bead, and any outer reflexive and inner reflexive are obtained from the (3/8, 6/12). I.e. a system X -> the instance x represented with שׂ (sin) at (3/8, 6/12)Galois_coordinates, {remaining_space-time\x_in_FX} -> {outer reflexive, inner reflexive}set of the first scheme method. In other words, the {outer reflexive, inner reflexive}set uses (3/8, 6/12) as representing any dimension from all dimensions. This connotation isn't broken, T, שׂ (sin) -> any dimension, it is for ד (daret) here, at a music-mathematics coordinates.

As my study, when note (i) is considered, below fig 5.2~5.4 of Genesis 20 are referred, because Abimelech and Abraham conquered Satan (fallen Lucifer) with all female ending phenomena which were given by Sarah. All sounds are required there (here). Since it, Isaac was conceived (born) by Sarah.

Fig 5.2~5.4's link:
No.2707, Genesis 20, Fallen Lucifer Controls People with Fear, but Female Endings Phenomena.
I love the Hebrew Bible and have practiced Abraham's prophecy with Tree of Life. Although with another language, e.g. Latin, you can apply the character to 10 motives (love, freedom, eternal-life, money, health, self-expression, self-defence, sex, revenge, fear_and_death) as an idea for {fastest literature -> space-time_coordinates, the common denominator of music and mathematics}.

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