No.2836. The New Globalism → {People, Intellectual Property Right, Cryptocurrency, Security}.

Amen means in Hebrew
אמן: artist. faithfulness. to train, teach.
אמנה: treaty, verify; education, nursing. pact, contract; faith, trust, credit.
* ה is the female ending here.
* The awakening is e.g. "artist → to train → [to fulfil] contract" in God's time via your soul.
I thought the tools which Abraham could practice with were coloured stones and language (then there wasn't paper). Egypt had dice, cards (papyrus existed).
I thought the tools which Abraham could practice with were coloured stones and language (then there wasn't paper). Egypt had dice, cards (also papyrus existed about B.C. 2000).
The third countries's achievements will be able to be traded via their protecting countries, advanced as noblesse oblige. Now many conflicts are occurring, therefore the newly appeared creators/inventors may use cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency isn't necessary for a contract with God but is effective to stable trade.
The third countries's achievements will be able to be traded via their protecting countries, advanced as noblesse oblige. Now many conflicts are occurring, therefore the newly appeared creators/inventors may use cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency isn't necessary for a contract with God but is effective to smooth trade for intellectual property right.
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