No.2535. Beyond the Light Speed, Toward Outside Our Galaxy.

Each sound is allotted to colors, time runs over colors. Inside the sphere of circle^d, the near center sound is repeating faster than outside. I.e. this sequencer Poly 2 can be used as Fp or Fc (Fcombined_number) space generator in sounds.
Instead of fig.'s left hand, you may use a sequencer, and I recommend Poly 2 is best for Fp or Fc space generator in sounds. (The sound colour can be put anywhere you want, as many and of sounds MIDI connected as you want.
Each DNA is independently different, very unique. One has musical potential, or visual/spacial potential, or physical potential e.g. sports (e.g. hybrid rhysms' Boxer of F2, F3 and F7 time interval), or logical, or influential to lead people to a direction, or every possibility in humankind. Not only music, but the assistance device may exist when you want. Or a sequencer + left hand melody + right hand melody, as the common denominator of music and mathematics.
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