I explain how to cognize beyond paradox with verbs → phenomena.
In many case, we measure our potential between the past one year and the future one year. Therefore possible things are usually outside our cognition if we will apply five years. On the other hand, when a man/woman apply five years apply, only the man/woman will realize the purpose.
Further more, life present world, paradox is leading World War III, we should cognize outside [past one year, future one year], and we should cognize over [past five years, future fiver years].

Fig.1's verbs will be cognized in a range in [past five year, future five year]. Yet no one know the phenomena in the ten years.

During the ten years, or for ten years, we are able to observe the unseen phenomena. Fig.2 is an explanation of the phenomena.

As the phenomena themselves like fig.3, phenomena will emerge if without giving verbs, then we must obey the phenomena, there is no miracle.
To each connection, each unique verb will be required.
[verb 1, verb 2] makes a concept interval, the time interval is [time 1, time 2]. The both makes [verb 1 at time 1, verb 2 at time 2] or [time 1 at verb 1, time 2 at verb 2].
And the phenomena over the interval are not defined only withe mathematics and physics, because other factors of
(1) Human creativity will make change in the intervals.
(2) Unconscious (subconscious) will react to make calling in the intervals. E.g. climate crisis changes human intelligence activity from level of unconscious.
(3) Human brain is the organ to reproduce Universe. Human brain as life organ exists linearly independent region as quantum physics meaning, and is receiving cosmic potential with each DNA level.
(1)~(3) are realized by lives, and will realize phenomena. Therefore, further more by someone's uniqueness, it may be possible that [verb 1 at time 2, verb 2 at time 1] or [time 2 at verb 1, time 1 at verb 2]. Naturally, it is not only by "1 and 2", but potentially by 8 billion people on Earth toward infinite space of phenomena.

Also I found the indigo arrow in fig.4, that exists upper level of the consonants' x-y dimensions, in Genesis 1, Verse 29 before Adam, as until the sixth day as Johann Albrecht Bengel said. It is yes.
No.2446; Genesis 1-1 and Genesis 2-3.
Therefore how to awaken a verb will change of time meaning → time force arises.
If we make miracle, it is better that we give the spread verbs over 5 + 5 years to our world or Cosmos.
Now paradox is leading WWIII, then we should know the verbs that each verb is realized by each man/woman, and when the verbs should project onto a greatest canvas, the miracle is able to see.
The productivity should be beyond the paradox's loss.
While the verbs able to be projected fulfilling the time spread are unseen, we are obeying the unseen phenomena toward annihilation, with losing lives.
But the man or woman should give a verb to the world or Cosmos, is each man or woman. The greatest leaders should ask and receive the verbs to make the projection mapping to conquer the obedience to unknown phenomena.
While nothing is seen, we will drift to annihilation.
Giving verbs being spread in the past 5 + future 5 yeas at least, miracle able to be seen is fact.
Your verb being mapped onto when should be beyond the past one year and the future one year of making blindness.
You are an independent person, unique existence, and not alone.
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