No.2535. Beyond the Light Speed, Toward Outside Our Galaxy.

This figure explains also what the common denominator of mathematics and music. And for Hebrew consonants, when this [i0, 0] is put in an outer reflexive of the first scheme method, the Hebrew alphabet is put in the inner reflexive, then {space-time, category, [ ]omitted_verb} exists, when the Hebrew expression is {verb⇒noun}⇒[omitted verb] (here, ⇒ means reflexive), i.e. when it is like {reflexive; reflexive} in the novel Glass Bead Game German edition.

If {0, 1, ... , n = p-1} ⇔ {0}, {0} can included {0, 1, ..., n = p-1} as the projection, but 1 : 1 space derives α → ({0} ⇔ {0}), then i0 can exist in n/0 or 0/0, then (-n)^d = -n^d is possible, so the dark energy is derived.
The link of fig. (fig.21.1):
Studying Minkowski's Space-Time
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