November 7th update

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

November 7th update

Article 1:

Creating Kyo’s Civilization (14).

Update 1:


And this sent card games are how the real USA people are, it is important that the lives are sounding really over a simulator.
Although we need tools for the solution, and in order to share the opportunity.



When I bought a biggest MAG-LITE from USA, it is 49cm, then they sent me the light with a biggest box in fig.7.
"We do always biggest deal for you!" so it sounds.


I bought a MIRO painting book of the English version from USA, but it couldn't reach to me. I guess it send back to USA while I didn't know. But the store repaid me the money although I didn't ask them anything. After it, I bought the Japanese edition.


I bought the book "GOD IS A VERB" by david a. cooper.
It didn't reach me. But another society sent me it, they used a name "St. Saviour."
God is a verb, but there is few verb in the Hebrew Bible. I liken it with music.
E.g. C (Do) isn't verb. But when C (Do) → E (Mi) → G (So) is played, we awaken a verb, although then C, E, G aren't a verb.
I'm reading the Hebrew consonants like music as above.
For me, the biggest difference between the New Testament and the Old Testament is "where is a verb." Although Latin often omitts a subject, Ninon Hesse, the last wife of Hermann Hesse, was researching Greek while Hermann Hesse was writing the novel Glass Bead Game. Ninon Hesse was/is a Jew.
So I think God is a verb.

I know I'm being called with a word in USA, it is "Jexodus (J-EXODUS)."

The sent card game of fig.1 and other independent cases of fig.7~9 are how the real USA people are, it is important that the lives are sounding really over a simulator.
Although we need tools for the solution, and in order to share the opportunity.

Article 2:

Congratulations on the second term of President Trump!

Update 2:


Congratulation on the second term of President Trump!


Congratulations on the second term of President Trump!

(C) Copyright 2024 Kiyom Nishio (Kyo Nissho). All rights reserved.

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