November 4th update

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

November 4th update


No.2535. Beyond the Light Speed, Toward Outside Our Galaxy.



x^d + y^d ≠ z^d (d ≧ 3) means "two isometric space of ^(d ≧ 3) can not exist same place/location." Therefore repulsion exists in [0, 0, 0], although any materialization begins there.
And our cognition ability fits to perceive Euclidean space, i.e. we are difficult to see η direction of fig.10.7.9.
I discovered the imaginary number space, and we need all the anomary ditector (-probability detector), i.e. we need {-probability → η in case of fig.10.7.9} ditector in order to generate a quantum boost of η direction, and in order to generate any [0, 0].
Then e.g. 30% speed of light will become 90% speed of light, 50% speed of light will become 150%. Then we inside of the space ship will be feeling flying straight, but with observation from outside us, as if we will be flying zig-zag or skipping the space.

Our Earth has lived 12 hours of Brahma of Hinduism, it has been about 4 billion years. While the next 12 hours, i.e. while next 4 billion years, I think our Earth will be like Venus, 93 atmospheric pressure and 450℃ at the Earth surface or more, and nobody knows "after it".
Yet also I'm not sure even when it will become over 2 atmospheric pressure 24 hours and 50℃ as the yearly average, the high amount nitrogen in our blood in the 2 atmospheric pressure, then our blood pressure will be 150~260 average 24 hours 365 days. It will not mean "one hour scuba diving into sea under 10 meter depth."

(C) Copyright 2024 Kiyom Nishio (Kyo Nissho). All rights reserved.

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