I ordered a card game version Civilization on last October 31, and I've received it today, November 6th. 6 days. I used +5$ shipping service, it was $20 (15+5) from USA to Japan (fig.1 and fig.7~9 below).
It has been sent with an air service for the special fast delivery with their beautiful mind. From bottom of my heart, thank you.
I'm not treated as human in Japan. Your kindness and honesty are beautifully sounding continuously.

I bought it two. I buy the back-up if it is important.

The card size fits to the "Sid Meier's Civilization."
I use both, for the combination use, the first scheme method is applied for it with Maxima (algebra calculator, a famous mathematics software).

Fig.3 and fig.4:
No.2498. Creating Kyo’s Civilization (10).

Fig.5 and fig.6:
No.2540. Kyo’s Civilization (13).
I.e. I'm creating a real simulator for humankind's survival, not just for gaming.

X/13 exists in the cards, e.g. 7 exists in A (1) ~ King (13) of the cards, and there are the four kinds of Heart, Diamond, Spade and Clubs.
In fig.6.1, I applied the second scheme method putting the cards regarded as a conceptual map, e.g. Clubs are forest or mountain, Hearts are cities, Spades are plain and Diamonds are sea, finding the δ lines and σ lines, and surveyed the potential to be realized with the first scheme method.
When your country or state develops a new city, with finding the talents and potentials with this game, the first scheme method can be used to realize infinite invention.
How to be wanted by the people, how the requirements to be created, these can be tested and shared before the investment and real development, because a few people can move alone toward invisible, but the "alone" should be avoided in case of an aimed civilization.
It is possible that the potentials (unfound talents) and the field cases in the play, the inventions before the investments, then the real development.
As for fig.6.2, the progress isn't from prime number phenomena to the second scheme method as for the first step, but from the second scheme method to reflexived prime numbers for the modelling. If it is the second step, e.g. after the modelling has been achieved or the real development has been done, because the creating people (reason beyond a frontier) are in front of you, it isn't in numbers (construction). It is OK from the prime numbers to the new reflexives in the second scheme method newly applied.
No.2535. Beyond the Light Speed, Toward Outside Our Galaxy.
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept
As note,

When I bought a biggest MAG-LITE from USA, it is 49cm, then they sent me the light with a biggest box in fig.7.
"We do always biggest deal for you!" so it sounds.

I bought a MIRO painting book of the English version from USA, but it couldn't reach to me. I guess it send back to USA while I didn't know. But the store repaid me the money although I didn't ask them anything. After it, I bought the Japanese edition.

I bought the book "GOD IS A VERB" by david a. cooper.
It didn't reach me. But another society sent me it, they used a name "St. Saviour."
God is a verb, but there is few verb in the Hebrew Bible. I liken it with music.
E.g. C (Do) isn't verb. But when C (Do) → E (Mi) → G (So) is played, we awaken a verb, although then C, E, G aren't a verb.
I'm reading the Hebrew consonants like music as above.
For me, the biggest difference between the New Testament and the Old Testament is "where is a verb", and the time direction is most considerable. According to Johann Albrecht Bengel who has been cited in the novel Glass Bead Game, Jesus Christ was founded until the sixth day of Genesis, it is before Adam.

Also I found the indigo arrow in fig.9.1, that exists upper level of the consonants' x-y dimensions, in Genesis 1, Verse 29 before Adam, as until the sixth day as Bengel said. It is yes.
No.2446; Genesis 1-1 and Genesis 2-3.
Therefore how to awaken a verb will change of time meaning → time force arises.
No.2722. Unique verb being projected over time, in order to conquer unknown phenomena.
"By whom" is "by us, Lord [I are]". God is the almighty, the almighty made Genesis possible, and derives any miracle. Therefore Jesus Christ resurrect toward Genesis. When we know Lord in us, the language of Abraham's prophecy should be realized toward any miracle.
Although Latin often omits a subject, Ninon Hesse, the last wife of Hermann Hesse, was researching Greek while Hermann Hesse was writing the novel Glass Bead Game. Ninon Hesse was/is a Jew.
So I think God is a verb.
I know I'm being called with a word in USA, it is "Jexodus (J-EXODUS)."
The sent card game of fig.1 and other independent cases of fig.7~9 are how the real USA people are, it is important that the lives are sounding really over a simulator.
Although we need tools for the solution, and in order to share the opportunity.

I bought another L-Tryptophan. It reached to me after 6 days from USA since the order. It is also the air service.
Thank you.
The links:
Creating Kyo’s Civilization.
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (2).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (3).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (4).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (5).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (6).
Creating Kyo's Civilization (7).
Creating Kyo's Civilization (8).
No. 2496 Appearance and Dimensions of Civilization or Leader, as Creating Kyo’s Civilization (9).
No.2498. Creating Kyo’s Civilization (10).
Gaming and Cards, Creating Kyo’s Civilization (11) (no.2508).
No. 2514. Creating Kyo’s Civilization (12)
No.2540. Kyo’s Civilization (13).
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