I installed a graphic borad to my PC.

While I installed a driver of the graphic board, a Trojan Horse infected my PC. I connected the browser only to the maker web-site. But infected.
I assembled my PC with second-hand mother board and CPU until 2014, with selecting no WiFi and no Bluetooth, i.e. I made a non on-board tele-communication PC, I use it as stand-alone disconnected to Internet.
And as fig.2, many case of PC out of work is caused with the power supply weakens over years, therefore 750w has been installed also my PC needs 400w.

My mug which was presened by a UK international student in 2001 isn't infected.
I repair my audio speaker's plug.

Succeeded 😉
I repaired my Play Station Portable's UMD drive again. Another one.
I bought a screw-catch driver. As fig.8's upper driver, the clip of the driver catches a screw in order to set it over narrow space. Very useful.

And I bought a toy camera.

This toy camera shots a truth!

Fig.11.0 ~ 11.2:
At observing it with eyes of truth, one of my PSPs is mutating or evolving! I guess it has been infected ... very serious state.
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