October 31st update

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

October 31st update


No.2535. Beyond the Light Speed, Toward Outside Our Galaxy.



Fig.10.7.3. For the Hamiltonian function (function to connect near scale quantum physics and classical physics) toward large scale quantum physics.

(2) the indistinct part as photo: Fp -> ψn of ^d on the orthogonal; Gal(closure_Q/Q) -> Fp -> ψn.
(3) ref. fig.10.5. The red [0, 0] means the ^(d-q) | q -> any number.


Fig.10.7.3. For the Hamiltonian function (function to connect small scale quantum physics and classical physics) toward large scale quantum physics.

(1) the indistinct part of (2) in fig.10.7.3: Fp -> ψn of ^d on the orthogonal; Gal(closure_Q/Q) -> Fp -> ψn.
(2) ref. fig.10.5. The red [0, 0] means the ^(d-q) of the two globe | q -> any number. if it is d < q, the [0, 0] is anylistic usage like 1/(e^iθx). See (1), the orthogonals of x^2 + y^2 = z^2 makes the orthogonals of a globe, two dimensions makes three dimensions. Here, d of ^d is permitted to d ≧ 3 because it is in Fp or Fc (c is a complex number). If d = q, x^(d-d) + y^(d-d) = z^(d-d) is 1 + 1 = 1 of [0, 0] in [i0, 0].
(3) in the imaginary numbe space I discovered, i0 = 0 is possible only with case of F+ and F- of same p (prime number) at the [0, 0]. But [0, 0] of Fc is possible in case of Fp1 and Fp2 of p1 ≠ p2, it is of [i0, 0].

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