No.2535. Beyond the Light Speed, Toward Outside Our Galaxy.

(2) the indistinct part as photo: Fp -> ψn of ^d on the orthogonal; Gal(closure_Q/Q) -> Fp -> ψn.
(3) ref. fig.10.5. The red [0, 0] means the ^(d-q) | q -> any number.

(1) the indistinct part of (2) in fig.10.7.3: Fp -> ψn of ^d on the orthogonal; Gal(closure_Q/Q) -> Fp -> ψn.
(2) ref. fig.10.5. The red [0, 0] means the ^(d-q) of the two globe | q -> any number. if it is d < q, the [0, 0] is anylistic usage like 1/(e^iθx). See (1), the orthogonals of x^2 + y^2 = z^2 makes the orthogonals of a globe, two dimensions makes three dimensions. Here, d of ^d is permitted to d ≧ 3 because it is in Fp or Fc (c is a complex number). If d = q, x^(d-d) + y^(d-d) = z^(d-d) is 1 + 1 = 1 of [0, 0] in [i0, 0].
(3) in the imaginary numbe space I discovered, i0 = 0 is possible only with case of F+ and F- of same p (prime number) at the [0, 0]. But [0, 0] of Fc is possible in case of Fp1 and Fp2 of p1 ≠ p2, it is of [i0, 0].
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