October 27th update

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

October 27th update

Article 1:

From 100% in 1996 to 10000% in 2005. Newly toward 740th work (no.3230).

Update 1:

Practically, if you'll practice the 740 times, 738 days will be for the 738 works and 2 × three months will be the two special detailed works, it is 2 years and 6 months. The time is phisical structure of your life and existence, and the time structure is force you'll bring on Earth or Universe [from Heaven]. But you are not yet know what you'll see at the 740th work, therefore you find the "calling [sounds from your soul]" and "coming [of what realized newly]" of each time of your work will conceive your conscious, the [unmet] conscious will tell you what it was after the 2 years and 6 month, be Lord beyond this fallen world.

Article 2:

The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept

Update 2:


The first set of the first scheme method takes any progress from (4) to (1) of fig.12.6 fig.1, (4) leads an advanced phase after (3).
The second set of the first scheme method takes any progress from (0) to (3) of fig.12.6 fig.1. (0) leads an advanced phase after (1).


The first set of the first scheme method takes any progress from (4) to (1) of fig.12.6 fig.1, (4) leads an advanced phase after (3). It is from a-priori (before experience) to a-posteriori (after experience), from form to matter).
The second set of the first scheme method takes any progress from (0) to (3) of fig.12.6 fig.1. (0) leads an advanced phase after (1). It is from a-posteriori to a-priori, this "from matter to form" is that "how to use your life/existence (experience control)" will meet "essence; ubiquitous principle". Chinese have this in their culture.

(C) Copyright 2024 Kiyom Nishio (Kyo Nissho). All rights reserved.

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