The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept

E = mc^2, {purest Uranium 3 gram -> c^2} becomes Hiroshima scale nuclear explosion.
How many is your weight? You are always in {m <-> c^2} between life and aether body. You in the energy is beyond your imagination.
I have my 50 years plan or 100 million years plan, naturally my lifetime is about 100 years as longest.
Although of it, my subconscious reacts the time interval, and while I'm sleeping, while my mental block is weakening, my full imagination is called by Creation, a new page is described soon when I awake (i.e. I'm studying while I'm sleeping).
When my life will end, but the power the flooding will never end forever.
Don't leave, listen the calling, live your miracle from Creation.
(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.