As draft, and as rough assumption.

By a report, the spin of Earth's core is becoming slower, will may be stop or reverse. But Earth's surface speed is decreasing -0.3 second / a year.
Earth's mass is 5.972 × 10^27 gram, a year is 31,536,000 second, 5.972 × 10^27 × (0.3 / 31,536,000^2) = 1.801473342 × 10^12 is as the decreasing mass of kinetic energy.
If 100% Uranium can be used with 100% efficiency, a Hiroshima scale nuclear explosion requires only 3 gram of purest Uranium.
1.801473342 × 10^12 / 3 = 6.004911140 × 10^11, it is about 600 billion nuclear explosion of Hiroshima scale, this scale energy is being released by the decreasing spin of Earth, also this is very rough calculation.

The energy becomes the changing direction and entropy as consequent, its entropy becomes the Earth's heat up it is recently treated as "climate."
When -gravity technology will be advanced, and if +gravity is distorted for the direction like light distortion, it will may work like a beach parasol for a while. But finally, the both lives of our galaxy and Andromeda galaxy will become extinct during the next 100 million years if the lives will be there.
About after 100 million 3.9 billion years (for the both brighting stars part) or from already now *1, our galaxy and Andromeda galaxy are colliding, the tidal force of gigantic^near_infinite mass is being influenced already, it is emerging now as from the core, as that Earth is heating up by the released energy.
When Will The Milky Way Smash Into The Andromeda Galaxy? It May Already Be Underway, Say Scientists
"According to a new study, our Milky Way galaxy may have already begun colliding with the closest giant galaxy, Andromeda.
Published in Nature Astronomy, the study reveals that there may be a shroud of gas around every galaxy that stretches up to a million light years.
The headline finding from the research is that galaxies are far bigger than astronomers thought. The scientists studied the gas shroud of a starburst galaxy 270 million light years away, called IRAS 08339+6517.
Although it was already known that the halo of gas surrounding the stars in a galaxy accounts for about 70% of that galaxy’s mass, it has proved elusive to observe.
A new deep imaging technique enabled scientists to photograph this gas halo and examine it pixel by pixel. It’s the very first time that scientists have been able to take a photograph of this halo of matter around a galaxy. ..."
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