My tooth was crushed in 2017, and I was socially threaten in the Japanese way (the strongest propaganda in the world), I didn't walk under daylight in the seven years.
Sunlight helps to produce vitamin D and serotonin inside human body. Lack of vitamin D causes rickets. Serotonin is reproduced into melatonin to lead life to sleep.
I bought vitamin D supplement and L-Tryptophan supplement. L-Tryptophan is used in body to produce serotonin.

In case of me, sleeping became better with L-Tryptophan, very different also of mind condition.
In 2020, when Mike Pompeo was Secretary of State, I knew my USA passport was prepared in State of Department and the budget to rescue me. I love him and USA.
There was the Pacific War, 300,000 American soldiers died in the battle with Japan.
My study of the perfect language was protected by the Peace Treaty with Japan. USA was in charge the trusteeship until 1951 of the treaty, therefore there is a way to leave Japan now too.
Now the world know now that Japan can not keep the sovereignty because the double window-dressed finance (of investment) against the world economy, the debt of Japan is catastrophic, 5600 trillion Yen (about 49 trillion dollars in the year) in 2019 against the world, but Japan continued the doble window-dressed finance with doubling the debt year by year, since 2021, Japan was borrowing the national budget from 1 year national debt, re-borrowing the debt with one day futures trading, i.e. re-evaluating the debt day by day.
Forces from 17 countries are stationed in Japan now.
Also there is a dilemma.
If I will be forced to join to e.g. a historian committee with mantra by the globalists' systematic investment in USA, the cultural and religious potential of the perfect language in the world will be destroyed. I'm being threatened by some people in USA to death like routine work.
The perfect language is like science, the future begins from an independent bravery and belief to human possibilities, it isn't how to invest by others, but how a man/woman decides and will invest their time and bravery by themselves, they will receive the 85% from their achievement if they will pay the 15% for my intellectual property right. It is not the 15% of him/her from historian committee's systematic mantra and the committee will receive 85%.
Briefly, in next November, if Donald J Trump will lose unnaturally like in 2020, I will ask my citizenship to the UK.
Through the last three and half years, I was feeling fear also watching the storm was assaulting President Trump. Of cause, I will fight if a civil war will occur, but at same time, I must protect the human future of the perfect language.
I appreciate the 300,000 American sacrifices and the wounded soldiers who could return USA to protect human future and USA against these dirty Japanese. It will never change, forever.
September 17, 2024.
In 2017, I received two e-mails from the UK government.
I need rescue from Japan to the UK, by the UK.
The Democracy of USA isn't working already.
I can't do anything of the Glass Bead Game in USA under a revolution.
"Political violence becomes America's new norm - but is still shocking"

September 21, 2024.
“US says Iran sent info from Trump hack to Biden associates
Iranian hackers distributed information about Donald Trump's electoral campaign to people linked to the Biden campaign, according to the FBI and US intelligence agencies.
US officials now believe that information taken from the Trump campaign was sent in unsolicited emails to people linked to the campaign in late June and early July - before Biden dropped out of the race for president.”
Although usually an investment is money, and money is form of value for (1) evaluation (2) exchange (3) preservation.
Comparing with it, I invested my intellectual property right, it means the first scheme method and part of the second and the third to the world, to the humankind. Those who use the first scheme method, and when obtained benefit (money), they can pay the 15% to me, and the 85% is theirs.
I'll go to the UK, and naturally also when USA citizens use the scheme methods and obtain a benefit, then they can pay the 15% to me, and if the both trust increase further, the further contract will be possible. I'll may be the symbol method.
If they get benefit and pay nothing to me, it is my investment failure, it will be no more investment.
But seemingly the Democrats insist that they are practicing "mantra of the historian committee", therefore many conflicts with me are predicted.
USA citizens who are praying in church, or who are anointed (Messiah: מָשִׁיחַ) over the practice, told with spirit in fire or in synagogue, were paying trust for heaven from very earlier, from before my body was born, therefore they have priority for the contract with me.
January 5 2025.
I've obtained the information which UK and Israel published my Passports. I.e. I'm regarded citizen of USA, UK and Israel.
About the realization of the Abraham prophecy, I'm also the walking/living research agreement/treaty of USA, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Catholic and Israel (Jews), but if a country disagrees this agreement/treaty, naturally it's sovereign country's judgement.
E.g. I will never approve AfD of Germany.
I've been regarded as Hermann Hesse's succession in 1996 then the Pope was Ioannes Paulus II (from Poland where the concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau), although I had been told from my teacher Ayao Ide (who was given Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Merit Order of Republic Germany)) about Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger (Pope since 2005, Benedictus XVI from Germany) who was forced to belong to NAZI Youth (HittlerJugend) about in 1992, now Francis is Pope.
Ayao Ide told me also Soviet Union's diplomat was reading the novel Glass Bead Game of German edition, but Ide didn't tell me the details.

Now I'm Orphan as the title given by Jews, it means a promised kid as only 37 people including me existed in the last 5785 years of Jewish history.

An Epitaph of Hermann Hesse
January 8 2025

And ...
Trump campaign against diversity urges government employees to turn informer
(January 22, 2025)
"Java virtual machine" in your Internet browser is a virtual computer programmed only with the software, i.e. another invisible software computer exists in your computer. And the virtual computer's behaviour can not be checked with any Internet security software. Here "Java virtual machine" isn't equal with "Java script". Java script controls a visible behaviour of your computer, Java virtual machine is invisible of the behaviour.
Remember, Bill Gates said about the last of 20th century that "[Our] Internet browser is an OS of Internet."
40% area of Internet is invisible from ordinary people (the Internet dark area). I.e. the protocols for the 40% area can not be used by ordinary people. I think, on your desk or table, if you prepare a usual radio with dry cells, and emergency phone numbers list, your daily mental attitude is healthy.
In a range of my research for Twitter (not X), the OS of Twitter server had an API (Application Programmer's Interface), and Twitter to sell the right to use the API. I.e. the company or person could make an application software to use Twitter's OS. I could see the some companies' sharing photos for their commercial, there were "group dynamics' graphs", i.e. graphed social relations "in order to generate social momentum". Usually, a multivariate analysis and the graph theory of mathematics are applied to generate the graphs, although now AI makes each client (e.g. a smart phone) be like a server.
When a famous person posts an impact and a prime minister replies, it isn't matter of the person and the prime minister, you and e.g. an unknown person of your next seat in a Cafe if "your next seat person has your graphs."
With most efficient sequence, the social momentum will may be pressuring you.
I guess, when Donald J Trump was sued the 95 lawsuits for 240 years imprisonment in the total, the graphs were surrounding him behind their smiles and the generated social momentum changed him. It might be "brainwashing."
Truly I want to use Rapsberry Pi, the Linux OS and the original hardware developed in UK. Its price is about $200~, but "where I use" is another issue.
And I hope to meet a safe browser.

In range of my research, the first computers in human history were "Turing machine" of UK and "ENIAC" of USA, the both computers were invented to decipher the ciphers ENIGMA of NAZIS, and the both computers were destroyed after WWII. Turing machines document left no trace, ENIAC left some data. (b) is part of ENIAC matrix calculation, it is advanced than the Neumann computer [now you are using] now too, or some parts of the technologies were omitted while the Neumann computer was invented/developped.
(c) means a variation of {the Internet light area, the Internet dark area}. AI in your computer while you don't know can foresee the variation and can work as a server to send signals/information to unknown.
The strategic weapon class device is about $600~ now, and half user of each device is you and another half user is AI for unknown.

I think not {F2 × F5} space but {F2 × F(2 + 2 + 1 as combined number)} space to find what ENIAC was. Here F means Galois field function and Galois field generates any spin number.
The pure Neumann Computer let man/woman program anything via active codes.
ENIAC as my assumption let Nature/Cosmos/ENIGMA reflexive to electric signals. The program is described into any reflexive via {1 as electric signal on, 0 as electric signal off, \ as imaginary/passive signal}.

I guess you can see what is happening now if you have read above. But even a greatest mathematician can not calculation of all numbers in the invisible progress via {Internet × AI}.
Donald J Trump isn't a mathematician, but whether a mathematician or not isn't the issue. And the supporters were/are honest as we see. But, this is my impression, Donald J Trump was forced into the brainwashing, and forced to fall, via group dynamics before he has become President for the second term.
And even the statesmen in USA are not enough to solve the uncontrollable force of {Internet × AI} like a greatest monster/daemon, I think even Big Tech is the money slave having caught into the power they created.

Fig.4.2 and fig.4.3:
Musk discussed ways to oust British PM Starmer before next election, FT reports
A World President Elon Musk without any world election even if the election exists, and ...
"[AfD which Elon Musk joined to is] the straight armed Hitler salute." -Guardian (See fig.5.0)-
I think so too very much.
Briefly, Wilhelm II caused WWI and had lost, but the bureaucrats evaded the punishment. The bureaucrats found Adolf Hitler and made him the dictator, naturally also Hitler had the talent/potential. After WWII, I couldn't find the successors of the bureaucrats were punished, also soon after Neo-NAZI was born in Germany. Now AfD is the political party of Germany.
I guess they want a symbolic mechanism, e.g. as a present ENIGMA, in order to increase the momentum, and in order to have DOMINANCE of world elections over Internet (2020 USA election, the greatest number to access DOMINIONs, the voting machine in USA, was from a server in Germany. I'm not sure for the 2024 election).
This has not been definite yet, but we are watching ...

"Make America Alone First."
Musk and MAAF.
The link of fig.5.0:
Far-right activists from Germany spent US election day at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago
An article of Reuters:
Exclusive: German ambassador warns of Trump plan to redefine constitutional order, document shows
- German foreign ministry vows to work closely with new US administration
- Briefing document describes 'maximum disruption' agenda
- Forecasts democratic principles 'will be largely undermined'
The briefing document, dated Jan. 14 and signed by Ambassador Andreas Michaelis, describes Donald Trump's agenda for his second White House term as one of "maximum disruption" that will bring about "a redefinition of the constitutional order - maximum concentration of power with the president at the expense of Congress and the federal states."
"Basic democratic principles and checks and balances will be largely undermined, the legislature, law enforcement and media will be robbed of their independence and misused as a political arm, Big Tech will be given co-governing power," it says.
Trump's transition team had no immediate comment on the ambassador's assessment.
The German foreign ministry said U.S. voters chose Trump in a democratic election, and it would "work closely with the new U.S. administration in the interests of Germany and Europe."

Elon Musk’s straight-armed gesture at inauguration ignites comparisons to Nazi salute
And ...
Elon Musk's gesture at Trump rally draws scrutiny
"My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilisation is assured," he said.
Several users on X, the social medial platform he owns, have likened the gesture to a Nazi salute."

Trump ally Steve Bannon appears to perform a Nazi salute at conservative conference
In some polls, most of Republicans in USA love Trump very much, and 51% of Americans are approving Trump.
I hate NAZIsm truly, truly, truly.
The novel Glass Bead Game was written by Hermann Hesse
(1) to show future, in order to generate the time force to awaken human abilities by God,
(2) to achieve the Abraham's prophecy,
not for NAZIsm as the instant/moment empires, but for the contract between God and humankind.
Naturally therefore the Glass Bead Game is beyond NAZIsm.

I hate Trump the king of flies.
Fig.5.0.1c's link:
‘Long live the king!’: Trump faces backlash for comparing himself to royalty

Thousands in Germany protest far right; Musk at AfD rally laments ‘focus on past guilt’

Fig.5.0.3a of fig.5.0.2:
"Nach der Unterstützung auf X und dem Space mit Alice Weidel lässt sich Elon Musk auch zum Wahlkampfauftakt der AfD in Halle zuschalten. >>Ich glaube, dass es sehr wichtig ist, dass die Menschen stolz darauf sind, Deutsche zu sein. Das is sehr ..."
"After the support on X and the Space with Alice Weidel, Elon Musk let himself switch also to the Choice-battle-prelude (Wahl-Kampf-Auftakt) of AfD in hall on. >>I believe that it is very important that the people (human beings) have proud on it, German to be. That is very ..."

"Netanyahu gifts Trump a golden pager during US visit
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has presented US President Donald Trump with a golden pager while visiting Washington DC.
Netanyahu's office said the pager represented "a turning point in the war" when Israel carried out a deadly operation against Hezbollah in September 2024.
In the operation, Israel targeted pagers used by members of the Iran-backed militant group, causing them to explode.
Dozens of people were killed and thousands injured in the attacks. Israel said it was tailored to target only Hezbollah members, but civilians were among the victims, Lebanese officials said."

Fig.5.0.4 and fig.5.0.5:
No.2836. The New Globalism → {People, Intellectual Property Right, Cryptocurrency, Security}.
The next election of Germany is most important in the human history, because
(1) After the great reset of the globalism in 2024, who will pay for the next settlement will change over which AfD will win or lose. I.e. EU or USA.
(2) Rare earth is strongly related with superconductivity, e.g.
(i) if 100 Tera Watt of a transmission of electricity reaches another place with 60 Tera Watt → -40% loss becomes the cost to be obtained,
(ii) if 100 Tera Watt of superconductive transmission of electricity reaches the place with 80 Tera Watt → -20% loss becomes the cost to be obtained,
(iii) the comparison of (i) and (ii) is regarded as (ii)'s +20% generation of electricity to be obtained.
(3) (2) is connected with the issue of the sea lane between Greenland and UK, and naturally Greenland has greatest amount of rare earth.
(4) There is no North Pole continent. The North Pole is "greatest floating ices like continent." The ice is melting by Climate Change, therefore there are the sea lanes. Consider which German submarines most excellent on Earth exist under the ices, i.e. which submarines of republic Germany or successors of the past Imperial Germany (Neo-NAZI) are there.
(5) As note: for (2) and (3), if the refugees of the collapsed Globalism could live and work in Greenland to develop the rare Earth, yet I'm not sure UK, Denmark and Greenland would think it. Although I believe Greenland will relate our/human future.
(6) I'm believing that Trump's asset USA is aiming the occupation over the world. I don't go to USA, I'll try to discover human future as man of UK and Israel Passports given.

(a) Rare earth is usually in order to strengthen magnetic power.
(b) According to recent report, when free radicals are forced into directions' accord, and at a very low temperature, the free radicals generate magnetic field/power.
(c) the light has the imaginary time which generates {+time + -time = 0} in [0, 0]interval of light.
(d) (a)~(c) are in the same characteristics of imaginary number field that I'm studying.
Also see fig.4.1.5 again.
Rare earth is related to [0, 0] as stopping as Newtonian physics, and as indirectly generating power as quantum physics.
As a range I know, except China and Greenland, very great amount of rare earth is sleeping in Australia, as indirectly generating power; [0, 0] of imaginary number space, although [0, 0] of -time from light generating lives is the most popular instance.
Fig.5.0.6's link:
Studying Quantum Biology 3

December 27, 2024.
"Where are you? When are you coming to the "Center of the Universe?" Mar-A-Lago? We miss you and x! New Year's Eve is going to be AMAZING!!! DJT"
I'll never go to USA. Kiyom Nishio

Russia annexed Crimea peninsula, but Russia protected other third countries also since the sanction.
Biden administration imposed sanction again since 2021, and the Ukraine war began, the third countries are joining BRICS+, the momentum is growing now too.
Now Trump's USA will impose sanction to Canada, 50 countries which are joining to the Common Wealth will make a decision on the Parliament, because Canada is one of the greatest protection for other 49 countries. UK is the strongest ally with USA, but the Common Wealth's votes are sacred because of the history with blood and hope.
In range of news I read, 69 countries couldn't fulfill debts of the globalism. I'm not sure how many Common Wealth countries are included there, but it is very serious how painful it is.
President Biden and President Trump go the way same.
January 9, 2025.
Abraham was/is the first prophet who ask a contract with God with telling his/her ahead condition, i.e. Abraham told God his condition first, God judged the contract with his condition. (Noah wasn't, just obeyed God.)
I thought the tools which Abraham could practice with were coloured stones and language (then there wasn't paper). Egypt had dice, cards (papyrus existed).
The language was divided after the tower collapse of Babel, it makes the condition to tell God very difficult or impossible.
The solution is the Glass Bead Game for the synthesized-again language of Abraham's prophecy.
Now hell of the globalism collapse arrived on Earth, but including for 69 countries of the failed debt ahead, we can have coloured glass beads and now notebooks and pencils to ask our ahead/first condition to God. Dice and cards are effective to practice the imaginary number space, if musical instruments can be used, the common denominator of music and mathematics can be practiced. The tools are not expensive, but some countries may need help, especially the teachers for the synthesized-again language (Glass Bead Game).
The people in the world can gather gardens of churches, mosques and synagogues. I believe they will meet God.
The third countries's achievements will can be traded via their protecting countries, advanced as noblesse oblige. Now many conflicts are occuring, therefore the newly appeared creators/inventors may use cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency isn't necessary for a contract with God but is effective to stable trade.
I dream that many talents and great spirits will appear, and new dream solvers (as Joseph in the Old Testament), i.e. the new generations toward future, will appear. All man/woman have limited lifetime. I'm trying to discover 30 axioms (30 dreams) found from after 1000 years, although i0 including for -gravity, ultra-light speed the common denominator of music and mathematics has been shown.
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