The light is released dimension leaving from (0, 0, ... , 0) coordinates, and the light speed has the constant inclination 1, it is projected to the time ψt, and has the imaginary time to ψz in case of fig.1.
And all material in the system ψ can't exceed the light inclination 1.

The system φ is leaving in the -gravity from the system ψ. The light inclination in the system φ is independent with the system ψ, and is projected to the time φt.

If the space ship of ψ can use the time φt, an inclination θ of speed is given to exceed tψ. In the interval [tψ, tφ], the leap is given from [1 × cψ, 1 × 0.5 × cφ] of the dimensions/system differencd in this case, the θ emerges from the imaginary number space.
Fig.2 and fig.3 means also a problem. It is that our body belongs to the system ψ.

When the interval [tψ, tφ] is orthogonal, vertical each other, the projection from the light inclination is converted over the constant reflexives whose values are changing among the interval [tψ, tφ]. The two of time are progressing, but the constant surfaces are observable from each other, entirely at any moment.
What will change when our body in the system ψ get into the system φ over a kind of given quantum variables, it is another theme of the quantum biology.

I consider fig.5 as fig.6.

When ψy is replaced with φt during the moment of the dimensional surface, the photon's teleportation is explained immidiately. φt and ψt (not ψy) is 90°, spin is changed 90° since over the surface.
* I've drawn as that the inclination 1 of photon has been made by φt, ψt and ψy in fig.6.

My study of anti-gravity engine requires r - r = 0, then the repulsion occurs.
As over-light speed, two systems of light speed are located in the center of [0^d1, 0^d2] in the same range of 0 at least, then fig.6 is possible. Although it is not sure now that our lives can stand with e.g. 90° spin change.
The calculation of [0^d1, 0^d2] in the same range of 0 has become possible with i0.

Ultra-generative of materialization including life.

[0, 0]interval for Minkowski Space-Time, it is only for e.g. system ψ.

Fig.10.0 and fig.10.1:
In case of t^2 space, the quantum computer is best calculation device. For t^d (d ≧ 3), i0 is required to calculate, and the quantum computer will calculate {[0, 0] → α of life; the imaginary number space}set with i0 when the inclination 1 will be given.
See above fig.1~8 for space of ψ and φ for t^2 space again although we need t^d of (d + α).

And c(ω)^d + α(c) -> inclination 1 should be known. Here c(ω) means light speed c of any ω Fp dimension and α(c) means the compliment α for light speed c.
In the inclination 1 of fig.10.4, the length of world-lines are extremely changed for the ^d + α.

In this consideration, briefly and roughly, and as comparison to explain,
(1) a jet engine jets the power stream,
(2) an ultra-light speed engine jets [0, 0] intervals.
For example,

(1) the indistinct part of (2) in fig.10.7.3: Fp -> ψn of ^d on the orthogonal; Gal(closure_Q/Q) -> Fp -> ψn.
(2) ref. fig.10.5. The red [0, 0] means the ^(d-q) of the two globe | q -> any number. if it is d < q, the [0, 0] is anylistic usage like 1/(e^iθx). See (1), the orthogonals of x^2 + y^2 = z^2 makes the orthogonals of a globe, two dimensions makes three dimensions. Here, d of ^d is permitted to d ≧ 3 because it is in Fp or Fc (c is a complex number). If d = q, x^(d-d) + y^(d-d) = z^(d-d) is 1 + 1 = 1 of [0, 0] in [i0, 0].
(3) in the imaginary numbe space I discovered, i0 = 0 is possible only with case of F+ and F- of same p (prime number) at the [0, 0]. But [0, 0] of Fc is possible in case of Fp1 and Fp2 of p1 ≠ p2, it is of [i0, 0].

Cf. fig.10.3 is the natural phenomenon of photon in [classical energy, dark energy].

Fig. (fig.1.7.2):
The {spins, Latin square} derives the inclination 1, then (-n)^d = -n^d and the inclination 1 make the large scale quantum mechanics. And when the reflexives to the 0 exist → light in dark energy, it is known that Cosmos is reacting with all potential space beforehand.
At destroying a belief in any human imferfection with the disintegration (the third scheme method), including [ ]\{(-n)^d = -n^d} is discovered to practice, new creation will be arisen over the [ ] with the {reflexive; reflexive} (the reason intuition).
(1) [ ]\{(-n)^d = -n^d}
(2) [ ] over (1)'s [ ], [[ ], [ ]] → force based on {(-n)^d = -n^d} but beyond "\".
(3) (2) belongs to Ein Sof (אין סף), This "there is no threshold (Ein Sof)" is beyond (1)'s "\ (unset)" e.g. "physics\literature", and the force arisen from Ein Sof belongs to god the sea (God: אֱלֹהִים), as "beyond unset" in this case, the Glass Bead Game.
(4) Like (3), when it is applied, Ein Sof makes natural/Cosmic force arise, it is based on "how you awaken (open his/her eyes to see)."
(5) (4) is liken as "water" in the both Bible, "Jesus walks on the water" in the New Testament.
This {reflexive; reflexive} was insisted especially by Walter Benjamin (1892~1940, he was a Jew, cornered to suicide by NAZI) but also Hermann Hesse with Ninon Hesse applied it at same era, i.e. it is one of Biblical technique, toward human future.
The Imaginary Number Space. The Twin Pillars and the Atmospheric current Meandering to Derive Abnormal Weather.

Fig., and
This figure explains also what the common denominator of mathematics and music. And for Hebrew consonants, when this [i0, 0] is put in an outer reflexive of the first scheme method, the Hebrew alphabet is put in the inner reflexive, then {space-time, category, [ ]omitted_verb} exists, when the Hebrew expression is {verb⇒noun}⇒[omitted verb] (here, ⇒ means reflexive), i.e. when it is like {reflexive; reflexive} in the novel Glass Bead Game German edition (see fig.

Fig., fig. and fig.
The common denominator of mathematics and music is also to calculate dark energy, I'm examining it as mathematics and music are the equal grade greatness, also mathematics makes physics realize any development faster than music and music makes kids realize any development faster than mathematics. Kids' neuro-connections' development is faster than adult, especially until 4 year old it is 500 times faster than adult, i.e. the one year means 500 years of adult. E.g. after 2 years of 4 year kids are 6 year old and it mean after 500 + α years of adult old, the grade of adult about AD 2524 + α toward outside Milky Way if they want because humankind need all kind of potential, the miracles, not only for space travel.
Then, see also fig. for kids' fast neuro-dimension for light in dark energy.

Here, ⇒ means reflexive to put {space, time, category} into order for the solution.
Of the ultra-light speed, the interval [0, 0, 0] and parity violation in the inclination 1 emerge at same space-time. In other hand, the orthogonals of {x^d + y^d ≠ z^d (d ≧ 3)} emerge at different coordinates. The e^f(prime number) should contribute the both.
Fig.'s dice let us experience the ⊥ (orthogonal, 90°, π/2), i.e. ⇒[ ] derives an orthogonal of set of {p}.

If {0, 1, ... , n = p-1} ⇔ {0}, {0} can included {0, 1, ..., n = p-1} as the projection, but 1 : 1 space derives α → ({0} ⇔ {0}), then i0 can exist in n/0 or 0/0, then (-n)^d = -n^d is possible, so the dark energy is derived.
The link of fig. (fig.21.1):
Studying Minkowski's Space-Time

F+ is made by n+1, it makes the inclination -1 of {0, 0, 0, ... , 0}, progressing with having the complement.
F- is made by n-1, it makes the inclination +1 of {0, 0, 0, … , 0}, progressing with having no complement.
The similarity of [0, +n] and [-n, 0] makes progressing numbers over θ, in other words the progressing numbers reflexive to [0, +n] and [-n, 0] over i0.

I create all [0, 0] space, all {0th, 1st, 2nd} reflexives of quantum physics can be observed there. [0, 0] reacts any ^d, if the d includes all infinite combination of א_zero, א_one, ... (See Fig. for א number).
The extended {0} in the inclination 1 from {F-p}set and the extended {0] from F2 make the crossing Galois' imaginary number extensions. Putting the second scheme methods there, the reflexives of [0, 0] of ultra-light speed are sought. It is not only for ultra-light speed, but also for large scale quantum physics, and for "here and everywhere."
As additional notation, with F2, e.g. 0 - 1 = -1 = +1, i.e. + and - directions of spins have same extension of space, it works as criteria to observe phenomena.
The common denominator of music and mathematics, and i0 for ultra-light speed, the both forms are equal.
And we can see the Cosmos in life's linearly independence in the {z^d +α →א_zero + α ({∞}set + α)} projections.

As practice to thinking, when dark energy is put to the 0th reflexive, cos(r^z)=e*mod(sin(x),y) (the pink figure of fig.'s lower left) drawn by a graphic calculator is put to the 1st reflexive, and if fig.'s stars are spreaded to the 2nd reflexive as the reaction from the invisible 0th reflexive along the visible 1st reflexive, then what is the [0, 0]?

Dark energy is invisible, it exists; i0. And humankind watch space usually with Euclidean geometry. The three reflexives were put as spitual eyes over the "usual" in this practice.
How to see the complex imaginary number space; [0, 0] and [i0, 0], it is required to achieve the ultra-light speed and anti-gravity engine. Fig. ~ fig. are one of the practice methods.

How to discover the accord coordinates of dark energy and the imaginary number space for [0, 0] is fig. Also see fig. again.

Fig. ~ a11:
In order to calculate numbers in spins, we had a failed calculating domain of space, it made dark energy invisible.
The dark energy is becoming visible now.

I sought the unknown tension of fig. with music and mathematics in the common denominator, with "here and everywhere" as below.
Here 0 means a prime number. And by the definition, i0 is equal everywhere if it is in a galaxy cluster, in a centre of two galaxy clusters or in a life cell, but [i0, 0] except just single F2's [0, 0] exists is in different energy as movement.
{i0 at 0/f(t)}disintegration is in a shifting triangle, where other corners are giving class of alef number (א number), then infinite → (n+1)/(F12+1) as described as clock number 1~12, e.g. 4/12 isn't located to the regular direction in order to make other existence be in shifting/phasing. This is another solution except [0, 0].
The unknown tension is near to be calculated, it is not reached yet, but I can see. A cluster where Milky Way and Andromeda belong to is placed on 0/infinite, another cluster is placed on 11/12, the tension in water-blue is emerging.

E.g. the quantum tunneling emerges in life cells, the resistance 0 of energy transmission means an interval [0, 0], it is a kind of ultra-light speed. Phenomena emerge from i0 into interval [0, 0, ... , 0] of even space, but [[i0, ], [ , i0]] makes any substance possible, especially life, its miracle is linked from all power the flooding, as {linked; entire Universe}.
i0 is the center of Cosmos. i0 exists here and everywhere, just one and only one, it is in the Latin square at linked to any and at linked all F+p of spins, it makes the common denominator of music and mathematics. The convergence to i0 (lim |T - Tn| = i0) expresses [0, 0] to calculate ×10 dark energy existing with ×1 classical energy (i.e. 10 : 1 of cosmic energy), ultra-light speed and -gravity have become possible to calculate, although there are many untouched subjects mathematically, physically, as of life and over the second scheme method in {the_inclination_1 ⊥ F2}set.

E.g. |-2| = |+2| of fig. (2) makes (-2)^2 = (+2)^2 and 1/(-2)^2 = 1/(+2)^2, i.e. the inverse square law, be possible. Outside this Pythagoras' or Euclidean geometry, parity violation exists which was unable to calculate. It is possible to calculate now, we are closing to Theory of Everything (uniting gravity, electromagnetic interaction, weak interaction and strong interaction), and further more.
According to Wile's proof of Fermat's last theorem, {x^d + y^d ≠ z^d (d ≧ 3)} → Gal(closure_Q/Q) (Q means any field).
Here Gal(closure_Q/Q) → ψn (nth vector), n ∈ {0, 1, ... , p-a}, ψn/ψn connotes 0/0, therefore 0/0 = 1.
Inverse squre law is derived to x^2 + y^2 = z^2. The ^d (d ≧ 3) connotes [0, 0], [0, 0] means that Minkowski space-time exists here and everywhere in the ^d (d ≧ 3), and the imaginary number space derives i0 just and only one exists for [0, 0]. Although Minkowski space-time is for ^2 space, as above, [0, 0] of the ^d (d ≧ 3) exists.
Parity violation means that the inverse square law is invalid in the interval. Therefore when another law is able to be applied for the interval, an approach to Theory of Everything is possible, [0, 0] makes -gravity and ultra-light speed possible at least, further more, where life began from, or yet unknown subjects will be there.
Past scholars and scientists are naturally greatest, I love them to study, but if our mind is living before 20th century peacefully like a pet or a domestic animal, it leads death over the time force. Time is physical existence and structure. Even if "our everything" is same, but the physical structures of time are changing, there will not be "our known world" if the outlook will be same.
I believe the Bible is axiom of Almighty, therefore I'm progressing in the Almighty, conquering any time's change.

Fig. and 2a17.1:
In order to observe where [0, 0] of -gravity and ultra-light speed emerges from, I'm observing the closest place, life. How the life energy of [0, 0] derives -gravity and ultra-light speed possible, before to consider the space ship, life as space ship.
Particle mass's dense in life is obviously higher than the atmosphere, but [0, 0] emerges to make the quantum tunnelling of energy until making chemical binding, i.e. the energy itself is teleporting in the inclination 1 from i0, an atom is closing to an electron which belonged to other atoms.
Studying Quantum Biology

The row is F2 reflexives. The column is F- of f(x)/combined_number_X. With applying the second scheme method, and the common denominator of music and mathematics, I'm considering including particle's [0, 0] in life and the atomosphere for -gravity and ultra-light speed.
Here I used my left hand to make C sound isometric for F2 (i.e. equal time interval) and other melody with remaining fingers, right hand is for an independent melody for any F-.
See also:
Studying Quantum Biology 2

{C, E, F} of music is one of most popular broken chord, or as you want. E.g. this {C, E, F} is made for {x/8, y/5, z/3} of rhysm, i.e. the time division for my left hand, and other sounds for remaining left finger if it is possible. The isometric of {x/8, y/5, z/3} is {0 or 8/8=1, 0 or 5/5=1, 0 or 3/3=1} = {[0, 1], [0, 1], [0,1]} = F2.
The right hand is free to play. If it is Pops, Rock, Jazz or Serious music (Classic), it is true.
This common denominator practice of music and mathematics is for 3 or 4 year old kids who will be A.D.2525 4 or 5 year kids in A.D.2025.
Violin is great to practice base-x music except base-2 (equal temperature, e.g. Piano), e.g. for √3 frequencies of the sounds.

Each sound is allotted to colors, time runs over colors. Inside the sphere of circle^d, the near center sound is repeating faster than outside. I.e. this sequencer Poly 2 can be used as Fp or Fc (Fcombined_number) space generator in sounds.
Instead of fig.'s left hand, you may use a sequencer, and I recommend Poly 2 is best for Fp or Fc space generator in sounds. (The sound colour can be put anywhere you want, as many and of sounds MIDI connected as you want.
Each DNA is independently different, very unique. One has musical potential, or visual/spacial potential, or physical potential e.g. sports (e.g. hybrid rhysms' Boxer of F2, F3 and F7 time interval), or logical, or influential to lead people to a direction, or every possibility in humankind. Not only music, but the assistance device may exist when you want. Or a sequencer + left hand melody + right hand melody, as the common denominator of music and mathematics.

The inclination 1 of [spins, Latin square] as large scale quantum physics can be connected to the small scale quantum physics. Our subjective, e.g. a space ship, human body etc., should be able to fly through {50% energy, 50% material}, therefore, if it regards as a prime number, [0, p-1]interval should be expanded into [i0, 0, 0] = [i0, p1-1, p2-1]. In this model, the subjective can aim to fly in {50% energy, 50% material} through the synthesized space beyond the light speed limit as a model in any single system explained by Einstein.
If a life is put outside {50% energy, 50% material} as f(t)^(1/2) in fig., as from {ψ, 0}resolution_of_identity to be materialized as lives of the classical biology, the life will be destroyed. Maybe the life will diffusing like mist. Yet I'm not tackling of how the saver will be realized in the anti-lives minus-probability [or a phaser weapon in an SF movie].
Every DNA of man and woman is different, no same exists in power the flooding (God). On our subjective side, each potential is different, but on the objective side, here and everywhere is projected as that {reflexive; reflexive} is "here and everywhere" in power the flooding, the second reflexive can be projected to himself and herself awakened as "Almighty."
The {reflexive; reflexive} of the novel Glass Bead Game and the Hebrew Bible.
Like Goethe's "Faust" respects "Book of Job", the novel Glass Bead Game respects the Hebrew Bible.

Your DNA is very unique which can exist just once in Cosmos from all past and all future. And when you practice the Abraham prophecy, the Glass Bead Game, you apply your unused part of brain. Then your released potential, as uniqueness and at "here and everywhere; Cosmos", will overwhelm also me. You are very important existence.

My teacher Ayao Ide, Germany gave him Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Merit Order of Republic of Germany), told me that "many examinations/practices are being done in the novel Glass Bead Game."
Examined/practiced by whom? By "you (I) have been joined to Brahms (B. Raums: Association of Space)."
I'm surrounded by police of Japan. I remember it was Ayao Ide too. Now too, letters don't reach me, many things disappear from me. Almost all connection paths have been destroyed.
Ayao Ide used an anagram.
At the beginning to practice the Abraham language (the Glass Bead Game), observe which your intuition tends from/to (1) visual ability, (2) musical ability, (3) logical ability or (4) enthusiastic ability. It means which is closer to your miracle. Especially for kids is so, e.g. who has tendency to painting is difficult to play music.
The sea of potential miracles is vast, not only for -gravity and ultra-light speed, toward the Almighty.
* The disintegration belongs to the third scheme method.
** If a man/woman has greatest faith, it'll be under 10% efficiency that he/she achieves to interpret the Hebrew Bible into a modern language, because of the verb omission.

As by NASA's report, the (classical energy : dark energy) is (1 : 10) in Cosmos.
Classical energy is only 9% (1/(1+10)) of Cosmos, and in order to use dark energy of 91% (100 - 9), the imaginary number space I've achieved is required.
In order to know [classical energy, dark energy], we need to know how to detect outside classical energy, i.e. how to detect anomaly and restore the original space where we'll fly through, in order to obtain a quantum boost space.

Any materialization occurs in [0, 0], it should be detected over any anomaly where another independent [0, 0] is. Fig.10.7.7's space ψ and space φ are anomaly each.
Below fig.10.7.8's left toy is a ghost detector, I bought it as a toy, not for ultra-light speed, but it was an experience. The toy is a kind of anomaly detector, which receives electric-magnetic fields around the device onto the logic board, generates random numbers based on the tendency, and compares it with a regular mathematical distribution of numbers, then tells the difference with LED light as the anomaly. Then I use an electric-magnetic fields detector with the anomaly detector (the ghost detector).
(As note, 25% of the result in my room tells "highest good will ghost", 9% is "good will ghost", 60% is "no problem", 6% is "bad ghost", it is out of statistics very much.)

I'm learning for a quantum computer but not enough, and I'm wondering that a quantum computer can be used including as quantum field detector. Photons are spinning randomly in a quantum computer with being influenced quantum fields around there, i.e. photons reacting to any quantum field. I wonder what "the calculating in detecting any quantum fields" is, as the meaning for ^d's [0, 0] over ^2's [0, 0] of Minkowski space-time.
As only with quantum physics, and as for quantum communication, in range of my search in Internet, China has achieved 500 km photon teleportation to a correctly located place. The previous record is 100 km by M.I.T.
Logically, they have near technology of laser beam teleportation, i.e. laser beam as weapon jumps to a correctly located place if there are all kind of barrier from several hundred kilo-meters, if they want only assasination, but diplomacy should be future of their country.
And here, the theme is [classical energy, dark energy] of ultra light speed to fly outside our Milky Way, as the first phase, now already colliding with Andromeda.

x^d + y^d ≠ z^d (d ≧ 3) means "two isometric space of ^(d ≧ 3) can not exist same place/location." Therefore repulsion exists in [0, 0, 0], although any materialization begins there.
And our cognition ability fits to perceive Euclidean space, i.e. we are difficult to see η direction of fig.10.7.9.
I discovered the imaginary number space, and we need all the anomary ditector (-probability detector), i.e. we need {-probability → η in case of fig.10.7.9} ditector in order to generate a quantum boost of η direction, and in order to generate any [0, 0].
Then e.g. 30% speed of light will become 90% speed of light, 50% speed of light will become 150%. Then we inside of the space ship will be feeling flying straight, but with observation from outside us, as if we will be flying zig-zag or skipping the space.
Our Earth has lived 12 hours of Brahma of Hinduism, it has been about 4 billion years. While the next 12 hours, i.e. while next 4 billion years, I think our Earth will be like Venus, 93 atmospheric pressure and 450℃ at the Earth surface or more, and nobody knows "after it".
Yet also I'm not sure even when it will become over 2 atmospheric pressure 24 hours and 50℃ as the yearly average, the high amount nitrogen in our blood in the 2 atmospheric pressure, then our blood pressure will be 150~260 average 24 hours 365 days. It will not mean "one hour scuba diving into sea under 10 meter depth."

Fig.10.6 ~ 10.8:
At observing from α, the space ship flying at same 0. But by the observer in ψc space, as if the space ship warped. It means that ψ and φ are different systems in the same inclination for the same space amount α, and φt has been replaced with ψt.
The spins of the ship itself and the crews change at the moment. If this isn't solved, the quantum connections for the both will may evaporate like by the phaser weapons in SF movies.
The spin changes 90° as in ^2 space when a ^2_photon teleportes. And ^d + α is considered further more, how human-life is protected is another goal of advance when the spins of particles which construct human-life change.
The USA technologies are reaching a usual room temperature quantum computer which doesn't require the liquid nitrogen cooling. Any quantum computing anywhere is coming.
I observe further more.

| | is force interval, so-called "water" in the Bible (also Taoism regards this as water), e.g. "Jesus was walking on water" or "Noah's ark was floating on the flooding."

From left to right, I put the progress in order of two rows.

From {| | → n/m} to {{space generation; n/m} → {lack of | |; existence reaction}}, it is found that a discription isn't yet done from {space → n/m matter} to {space is arising of n/m → lack of interval is rejected}. Mathematically, it should be described that i0 is rules of interval.
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