Article 1:
No.2525. The applied Ein Sof (אין סף).
Update 1:
Fig.x.1 and fig.x.2 below as fig.5.3 and fig.5.4.
Article 2:
Studying Quantum Biology 2
Update 2:
Fig.x.1 and fig.x.2 below as fig.23.6 and fig.23.7.
Article 3:
Studying Minkowski’s Space-Time
Update 3:
Fig.x.1 and fig.x.2 below as fig.25.6 and fig.25.7.
The content:
Above isn't limited in quantum biology/mechanics and -gravity,

Fig.x.1 and fig.x.2:
Music was better to experience outside of Euclidean geometry until i0 was discovered, because music can be realized in any spin (frequency) including outside of Euclidean geometry, here music and mathematics are common denominator of phenomena as wanted in the novel Glass Bead Game.
Although it couldn't be in order except i0, now it can be.
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