I went into the dungeon of Wizardry scenario 1 for fieldwork of the Glass Bead Game, and the obtained simulation is fig.1.

The theme was for industry as an axis unset coordinates (the small water-blue) of reflexive to 2 (1-2 of set 1) for the predicted consequent, from 8 (2-4 of set 2) of the antecedent being influenced with the card of path 2.
From a productivity 1/12 (gold dice) to 1/6 (gold dice) means 1/12 -> 2/12, a double productivity from {disintegration \ stable (the big water-blue)} which is effected by {divergence (the small red)}. The small red in divergence is in a set with {path; 0 \ ubiquity} been reflexive from 1/6 (2/12).
(i) is a path over emitting space from (ii), the detail of the twelve strings of (i) isn't described yet.
I had a productive time through the way to a room at B3F E16-N17 of Wizardry scenario 1.

Above means to observe any phenomenon before the change itself appears, synthesizing anything what I want before the experience. Although the time force can't be ignored.
Now it is with simulating, a video game is not the embodiment but a stimulation, but in case of me, a real fieldwork is better.
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