I enjoyed the game Wizardry as virtual Dungeons & Dragons with the twelve strings. 😉

Toward B6F E4-N11 of Wizardry scenario 2, I was referring the board game of Sid Meier's Civilization and "Monster Dictionary" by Ted Lee.

Then I needed changes as nature, the science distribution was weakest, the weakest was referred from the five cards; {military, science, economy, industry, culture}set are one set. And this time the four layers of the sets are randomly selected as non-ordinal number with using cards. I.e. {Q, 9, A, 7, K}, {6, A, 7, A, Joker}, {9, 8, J, Joker, 2} and {J, 10, 7, 6, A} are in the layers {Q, 6, 9, J}military, {9, A, 8, 10}science, {A, 7, J, 7}economy, {7, A, Joker, 5}industry and {K, Joker, 2, A}culture while these are coming from different time phases.
The matrices of distractive or constructive power should be prepared or the pentagon numbers and the different time phases, but not yet this time, because I enjoyed constructive time at first, didn't fix it.
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