Studying Quantum biology 2
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (July 1, 1646 ~ September 14, 1716), the greatest mathematician, proposed that the binary system could explain Ying-Yang to China, but China refused it.
If based on the Kant philosophy, mathematics is realized over any synthesis of numbers, the synthesis with constructive intuition is possible with requesting any reason intuition of humankind (a-priori (beforehand experience) from form to matter), although human reason ability arises before mathematics, mathematics is one of strongest path of it. E.g. music is another one.
Ying-Yang is the reason intuition (from human practice to form, matter to form) to practice phenomena, Ying-Yang itself is not constructive intuition.
Lisp, one of most famous computer programming language, takes Ying-Yang symbol. From a constructive intuition to another constructive intuition can lead to meet reason intuition to humankind. Already in 1960, USA approached reason intuition ability of humankind with constructive intuition over computing.

Until 1988 spring, I was a student of electrical engineering. Fig.22.7 is one page for my graduation thesis, the A.I., with the book which Yale university published, programmed with Common Lisp. My graduation thesis was the top grade of the institute of technology, in order to leave electrical engineering.

I met Ayao Ide who translated the novel Glass Bead Game into Japanese, my teacher to begin to study Hermann Hesse, at Christmas party on December 13 in 1987, it was before the graduation.
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