Studying Quantum Biology 2

Except right-angled triangle, any triangle in two dimensions has three orthogonalities in the three dimensions number.
2 has 3, d has d+1, except any right-angled triangle.

It doesn't exist that the d dimensions' figure has d+1 orthogonalities except right-angled triangle or unknown Galois field's n, Gal(closure Q / Q) -> n exists as Wile's proof of Fermat's last theorem. The n exists outside any figure of known d dimensions number, although the n exists in the imaginary number space as above.
[0, 0] in the imaginary number space outside [0, d] to the orthogonalities requires -time with erasing part of +time as (^d, ^d) in the rings in cosmic dynamics,
In case of light, [0, 0] requires 2 × triangular pyramid with equilateral base (2 × 3 dimension by 3 number space), as 2 × {[0, 0], 1, 1, 1}sides as drawing it to a cubic space of {^3}sides.
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