My PSP's joystick was broken.

I replaced it with new one. Naturally it is with my own responsibility.

Working! 😉
If I buy another second-hand PSP, it costs about 10000 Yen (about 62.5 dollars).
There is no first-hand because it is the old model.
And I need a large field generated by virtual reality.
I saved it.
I repaired two old PCs. These were out of order, now working with 2014 model Core-i7 and Core-i5 of the central processing unit, Fedora Scientific Linux and Windows 10.

Another second-hand PSP (A) was out of order.
I removed the optical drive from my oldest PSP (B), I boutght it in 2010, it became junk.
I used the optical drive from the junk (B) to repair the second-hand PSP (A).
Working! 😉
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