No.2498. Creating Kyo’s Civilization (10).
It is not only technology, but also a system.

I thought that Truss administration in the UK conceived an economic system which made an interface between producers and consumers, it was model that producing was economic growth immidiately. It was great idea. Although if a time scale of economic distribution was visible from investors clear, the investors could explain the interests to their customer (investors' customer), e.g. today's investment will be +10% after five years, but it should be "immediate system." There should be {time scale -> {anomaly -> extended view point; -β}set }set.
Anomaly is -probability in statistics, it explains that the past distribution has lack, i.e. when the UK can explain and allot the lack of world economy, the time scale becomes immediate, the investors will dominate tommorow.
Additionaly, I guess fig.3.3 is too much primitive compared with the statistics of the symthetic radar of Israel.
Like above it is not only of technology, but also of a system.
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