No.2498. Creating Kyo’s Civilization (10).
I back Sid Meier's Civilization again.
It is ultimate difficult to define a total civilization. Jacob Burckhardt explained that the time force of building a civilization is flowing among religion, culture and politics. Jacob Burckhardt was printed to the largest denomination bill of Switzerland until April 30, 2021.
I've won Civilization V's normal level. I observed the architecture as a simulator.
As each civilization as imaging liquid, but as a balanced power should exist.
Each hub is realized constant of technology, variable of international relation, and penalty of lost causality. The number of hubs are realized by civilizations' points of contact. Fig.3 is most simple case, 3 to 3.

In case of Civilization V, the penalty is, e.g. a civilization of most powerful tourism by art but no religion with open border, the civilization is suddenly overturned like Reversi. It means the country was importing revolution. But perfectly closed border, cultural power's exchange stops, lose the development competition. There should be research agreement.
The model is different with culture, religion and politics of Burckhardt, but the time force in the simulator is constant, variable and penalty in a flow of time force. In other words, it isn't a fixed answer, but to observe the time force from the points and to form to receive the time force.
Time force is more powerful than what humankind does.
Now I'm using the board game Civilization of Sid Meier as greatest precursor of civilization simulator.

I'm applying the glass beads and dice of n/m for years.
I begin it like a sprinter, and continue it like a marathon runner.
Now I'm realizing the initial simulator for Abraham's language.
I want an organized approach by people, but it isn't possible in Japan.
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