With items of Sid Meier's Civilization, I'm generating and synthesizing an advanced era in future, and making a simulator for shared experience.

There are two serious wars in the world, Ukraine and {Gaza, Israel}, it is an appearance of the end of the old/past globalism, and it is, unknown, most serious cold world war in our human history, or it will be the hottest world war soon.
The world paradoxes need extended gains which can be calculated and simulated by each side of East and West, proposed and approaced by each country in the world, of future, as toward greater progress of humankind.
I'm aiming at creating the simulator for future world, and as following the beginning of the novel Glass Bead Game, I insist that the each board should exist on a table where the approach began, i.e. in USA, the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Roman Catholic, Israel, and Russia, it will be the hubs as Castalia (Kastalien in the novel).
I back Sid Meier's Civilization again.
It is ultimate difficult to define a total civilization. Jacob Burckhardt explained that the time force of building a civilization is flowing among religion, culture and politics. Jacob Burckhardt was printed to the largest denomination bill of Switzerland until April 30, 2021.
I've played Civilization V's normal level, opponents' abilities and point were suddenly changed what the human player impossible to obtain in the last 26 years in almost 5300 years in a play. I will need much more my years if I investigated all parameters of a permission to win by the game creator, like a slave to beg a permission.

If a third country in the game was not my ally, my research was leaked to "all the opponents' network if they seemed in a war." If a third country was my ally and had a same religion, any research achievement was not leaked. If a third country wasn't ally but I protected them, everything was leaked. This parameter was completely hidden.
I had about five times more amount of productivity against other countries, but they made everything easier than me. With war strategy, I made the loss of soldiers' lives minimum as my people in the game didn't feel anxious to lose the country.
Easy level is under fair rule to both human and AI.
I observed the game architecture as a simulator,
As each civilization as imaging liquid, but as a balanced power should exist.
Each hub is realized constant of technology, variable of international relation, and penalty of lost causality. The number of hubs are realized by civilizations' points of contact. Fig.3 is most simple case, 3 to 3.

Referring Civilization V's algorithm, how the first scheme method makes (1)~(4) are synthesized is made by how each civilization of the country is. (1)~(4) have infinite synthesized products, although this level of number themselves after the products sythesized is easily calculated to Maxima.
Even only with the first scheme method, infinite syntheses are possible, but the time force ≒ the civilized power as balanced maximum should be known.

I added an calculation method for Maxima, as the calculation of economic and industrial development limit.
Technology AB and technology QR are described by 100% of each mapping to itself at first. Most important here is that the progressed phenomena field should be set.
After the mapping of AB and QR newly to the progressed phenomena field, β erodes the past dominion of technology AB by -250% is known, i.e. 300% -> 50%.

I thought that Truss administration in the UK conceived an economic system which made an interface between producers and consumers, it was model that producing was economic growth immidiately. It was great idea. Although if a time scale of economic distribution was visible from investors clear, the investors could explain the interests to their customer (investors' customer), e.g. today's investment will be +10% after five years, but it should be "immediate system." There should be {time scale -> {anomaly -> extended view point; -β}set }set.
Anomaly is -probability in statistics, it explains that the past distribution has lack, i.e. when the UK can explain and allot the lack of world economy, the time scale becomes immediate, the investors will dominate tommorow.
Additionaly, I guess fig.3.3 is too much primitive compared with the statistics of the symthetic radar of Israel.
Like above it is not only of technology, but also of a system.
In case of Civilization V, the penalty is, e.g. a civilization of most powerful tourism by art but no religion with open border, the civilization is suddenly overturned like Reversi. It means the country was importing revolution. But perfectly closed border, cultural power's exchange stops, lose the development competition. There should be research agreement.
The model is different with culture, religion and politics of Burckhardt, but the time force in the simulator is constant, variable and penalty in a flow of time force. In other words, it isn't a fixed answer, but to observe the time force from the points and to form to receive the time force.
Referring fig.3.2 and fig.3.3, I won the normal level (called as "Prince") again, and it has become easier.

In the movie Matrix, Neo was anomaly, -probability, outside "the architect's statistics." Agent Smith absorbed Oracle as the system software of human choice, when Neo outside statistics led cosmic potential, new Oracle as black woman appeared, the appearance changed, because new statistics were generated in the Matrix.
A.I. is current topics. In every server, meta-information with time stamp are given to each data. When a datum is anomaly, where, who, what and when [or how and why you were] are described into the meta-data. I believe, the anomalously given beginning is more important than an A.I. generated result.
Anomaly, or uniqueness, of just once life.
Then I think those who want to know the anomaly's meta-data can buy the meta-data from the server-owner and the anomaly for 50 : 50, e.g. 50 cents : 50 cents per an information request. The server-owner paid to maintenance, the anomaly paid his/her life to create it.
Now I'm using the board game Civilization of Sid Meier as greatest precursor of civilization simulator.
The issue is not A.I. but your uniqueness and the first scheme method to generate dimensions.

I was applying the glass beads and dice of n/m for years.
I begin it like a sprinter, and continue it like a marathon runner.
Now I'm realizing the initial simulator for Abraham's language.
I want an organized approach by people, but it isn't possible in Japan.
No. 2496 Appearance and Dimensions of Civilization or Leader, as Creating Kyo’s Civilization (9).
From no.2496 for the comparison,

Fig.3's dimensions are fig.4.

If the differences of dimensions are calculated as fig.2 - fig.4, the advantage is obtained. Seemingly it will be achieved.
I will describe the dimensions into the first scheme method.

Creating Kyo’s Civilization.
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (2).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (3).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (4).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (5).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (6).
Creating Kyo's Civilization (7).
Creating Kyo's Civilization (8).
No. 2496 Appearance and Dimensions of Civilization or Leader, as Creating Kyo’s Civilization (9).
No.2498. Creating Kyo’s Civilization (10).
Gaming and Cards, Creating Kyo’s Civilization (11) (no.2508).
No. 2514. Creating Kyo’s Civilization (12)
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