Nuclear weapon was born in WWII, Cold War began since the destructive alchemy, the world divided into West and East, but WWIII became far.
And the space development competition began, humankind's potential meant hope, in order to be realized instead of destruction of planet Earth, and computer age was there too.
Human spirit wanted future then, and the methods (space, computer) were there, the age was productive.
IT and Financial Technology served a matrix of the world economy, the leveraged world had not the contents. There was not a map, but a blank matrix and the histories, e.g. Poland and Ukraine in the power conflict against Soviet Union, .e.g. Arab tribes and Jew after Ottoman empire in WWI and WWII, are triggering the wars like all kind of Cuban Missile Crisis covering all the Earth.
This blank matrix in all kind of Cuban Missile Crisis is very destructive, a final phase of humankind if regardless. But the scale is asking how fill the blank and make a map.
I have already written many paths to human future, e.g. how life arises in light speed and how thinking power is possible there (Genesis energy), how the imaginary number space means to anti-gravity is, and how Jesus Christ is ubiquitous existence of Cosmos, how the particle of spirit is, how the Abraham prophecy of perfect language is.
These are not all, I'm finding, awakening and realizing what power the flooding is day by day.
We are in the leveraged blank matrix in all kind of Cuban Missile Crisis, but when we can make the matrix be filled to a map, the danger becomes hope like the destructive alchemy (nuclear strikes) was replaced the competition (the age of space and computer).
The brave soldiers will fight to victory if their lives will be sacrificed. But I hope they will be back to their home alive. Lives to protect their home are callings from soul where the home will begin alive.
I guess those who were reading my blog have their painting brush and compete a finest colour to make a map fulfill the matrix.
It should not be finer, but finest by the honour of the nation, by the honour as independent soul to live just once, in name of God, to make impact to the entire cosmos.
I'll make effort further to discover how the language of Genesis (original beginning) is possible, and toward that the present beginning of WWIII will be replaced to a competition to fulfill the universe over the leveraged blank matrix, a new age of discovery of a mapping by finest, finest, finest colour.
By the way, in 1991 in Germany, 6~7 Russians talked to me in a youth hostel, we drank vodka in coconuts liqueur like competition. When I drank heavily, they forced me to sign a paper written in Russian language.
Naturally I hate this way. Although in other words, before the first scheme method was born (in 1996), I was very famous in the world as a boy as who would accomplish the Abraham prophecy.
I hate the way, but the Russians took the dirty method in Cold War as they were/are cool and smart as already found a future.
The answer of how to live, of how to be blessed, should replace the nuclear strikes with the impact to Cosmos.
(C) Copyright Kiyom Nishio (Kyo Nissho). All rights reserved.