The hot-water supply to my room has stopped since February 2023.
If I access the hot-water supply, it means the dwelling illegal trespass, and a blockage in order to make evidence of the trespass has been made.
Although if I did nothing illegal, the false charges were made, and my seal was copied three times at least, 1/5 of people (spies; called "grass" in the "five group" or "neighbour group" in the old time) to contribute the government. It is the Japanese police that nobody should believe.

June 6, 2024, huge sounds occurred from very close to my room. With comparison with fig.4.1 and fig.4.2 somebody used the path is understood.

Fig.5.2 may be an objet to threat.

Yesterday (June 11, 2024) other sounds occurred, the liquid of fig.5.0 and fig.5.1 have been wiped out by unknown people. And the art object has been removed.
I've been done many threatening 58 years, because I'm an illegitimate child of a politician, and since 1987, because the illegitimate child tried to realize the Abraham's prophecy over 6000 years, and done 1996.
I decide for if today may be last day of my life when I awake every morning, and for if this night may be last when I sleep, and concentrate each moment to discover 30 axioms observing from 3017 to now.
Everything was stolen, false charges were prepared, but newly discovered and created thing from my soul, from my brain, prove how I'm living.
I really want to leave Japan, and when it will be done, I'll never stand on Japan's soil. Never.

Japonism artist, e.g. "葛飾北斎 (Kasushika Hokusai)" of "浮世絵 (floating world picture ≒ gossip picture" is thought as a Ninja to control people's mind although they lived in the crowd or cloud, being loved by people, making people's mind their jeil, killing people with their mind.
In the "家制度 (family system)" in Japan, each Japanese social status or rank is inherited. And with the "家制度", the head of a household got babies with several women including mistresses in order to obtain future talents over the babies' lives. It is also Ninja. There are the families in Japan, it is especially for families of political power. I was born as a politician who connected Tokyo and Sapporo (fifth population city in Japan) but it was hidden to me in order to make me a talented slave, to make my mind my jail, to kill me with my mind. And my family name "西庄 (Nissho)" meant western Samurais place of residence to protect "崇徳天皇 (Sutoku emperor)" in his exile place "四国 讃岐 (Shikoku Sanuki, now Shikoku Kagawa)" who was trigger "保元の乱 (Hougen war (A.D. 1156 in Kyoto)" and was regarded as he became greatest curse of misfortune or disaster in Japan that occurred each 100 years.
I have the family name of the Samurai they protected the greatest curse Emperor, and am the illegitimate talented child of the polititian, am forced to live in this jail, and the false charges were/are being made.
In spite of it, I lived in the Bible's time and realized Abraham's prophecy.

November 3rd 2024.
At last midnight, something sounded, with an atmosphere of man with anger, from near of an outdoor unit of my room's air conditioner.
Today, the air conditioner has become out of work.
While this winter, I'll put a heavy winter clothing on all day.
But the problem of heat-stroke will occur on next summer, from July 2025.

Japan ('s government) and Japanese love to use the space to persecute me. Now I hate this space in front of my washing machine, and decided to quit to use the washing machine.
I bound the faucet with wire.

And I sealed the outdoor wall socket.
I've washed my clothes in a bucket in my bathroom today for the first time.

They did the actions, I response with my action, then I guessed I could observe another change which I led, to observe their inside mind. I put a glass bead on the place of fig.5.0 ~ fig.5.2, in order to figure the unseen out. This bead has stolen in the next four hours in day time. I guess they are working 24 hours 365 days per year with surrounding me in silence.

I began to study in my teacher Ayao Ide's house since 1987.
Since then, Japanese persecution was becoming heavier day by day. With it, my urge to kill them became more stronger.
Then I stabbed my arm by myself, saw my blood, and thought that blood was flowing also in the assumed father and the assumed mother like this. And I reconsider it with seeing my blood, if I killed them, I must stop to study in a jail.
It was seven times.
But this time, in 2017, a dentist broke my tooth, then Japan police surrounded me, and my PADI licence disappeared there.
I couldn't walk under daylight seven years since it.
In 2017, DS-160 was submitted by State of Department of USA, and I received some messages. How many budget was prepared to rescue me, how was my passport published by USA.
I know American people admit the budget, not only government.
Now the time in the world is most dangerous, many blood were lost. It is not only blood from my arm, and American people are helping me.
Since I was born, I have a home at last, the home, even daylight, existed never in Japan, but will be in USA.
I continue to study, will leave Japan forever, and will contribute the future potential from USA.
The previous articles:
Survival – Kyo’s Blog (
Survival 2
Survival 2 – Kyo’s Blog (
Survival 3
Survival 4
I'll leave Japan forever.
The links:
Treaty of San Francisco
Treaty of San Francisco - Wikisource, the free online library
日本国との平和条約 - Wikisource
Draft Treaty of Peace With Japan
Draft Treaty of Peace With Japan - Wikisource, the free online library
(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.