Creating Kyo’s Civilization (7).
note 3:

I'm beginning to examine how dimensions will emerge or arise.

The cards (currency and mathematics) and mat (virtual map) are from the board game Civilization.
The multi-ruler means 1/0.125 = 8, 1/0.333... = 3, i.e. {8:3}space is being observed toward behind the big blue.
The compass is the direction of the space being generated aiming at behind the big blue.
The Hebrew alphabets mean how to connect the space to the contexts in history.
The first scheme method is applied to all dimensions including fig.5 case, any potential lack in past is observed from from any future dimension.
I'm making Hebrew alphabets now, and soon I will make the rune characters which have been touched in the novel Glass Bead Game. Naturally all characters in the world are possible to be applied. Languages are existing linked to history.
(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.