I began self-education to myself since my junior high school age.

fig.1 and fig.2 are in a sequence, but

There is a giant leap between {fig.1, fig.2} and {fig.3, fig.4, fig.5}.
Recently I bought retro-games, naturally I wasn't in there, but I was struggling always i.e. alive. There was a giant leap, it was unknown, beyond my personal life. It was awaken from unknown domain.
I divided sea-in-wind (sea-in-spirit) in 1987, and I saw I myself began to walk again beyond the death causality in 2017, further, I'm experiencing something more.
When it is Genesis, God blessed imaging himself (bringing spirit) into dust (quantum as present word) to create Adam (humankind). I lived to realize Abraham's prophecy.
Above is i.e. I lived as Adam, there was the giant leap, it was and is a son of man as described on the New Testament. When man and woman live truly lived, then are living and blessed beyond a single life, it is ubiquitous and from the beginning [of Cosmos, by God].
(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.