No.2476. (1) 風水渙 (Wind, Water, Melting Away), (2) Re-Genesis.
For example, I drafted an instance of above as fig.7.
From fig.5.x and fig.6.y, {{out of due time → any realized dimension of Eden}set → {any way/science/technology from unknown to miracle}set} can be realized.
Although fig.7 has a reality, but all realization of fig.7 will be over wide region, I will require all my rest lifetime if I will describe all of the details.
Even fig.7 is part of the descriptions in fig.5.x and fig.6.y, the potential from the New Testament and the Old Testament are further vast, then I am tackling the symbol method of Abraham's prophecy, the boys and girls out of due time will be blessed into miracles by name of Jesus Christ.

Fig.3 is the instance which will make the progress of
Abraham's prophecy be faster.
Fig.3 is one of requirement, realized by me, of the novel Glass Bead Game, important to practice the first scheme method.
There are more requirments for the essential progress, therefore I'm tackling the symbol method. The imaginary number space is part of it, and realized, and further.
(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.