Genesis Energy (Genesis 1-1), and Genesis Progress Method (Genesis 10).

My analysis of the novel Glass Bead Game.
The novel itself was the approach of Bund (association) as written in the novels of Hesse to realize the Glass Bead Game, as my teacher Ayao Ide's pronunciation "Brahms (B. Raums)", of association of space.
Ayao Ide had been given Vedienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany). The first President of present Germany Theodor Heuss was Hesse's colleague.
I studied with Ayao Ide, in his house, at a concert of Brahms, with German diplomats, eight years.
The novel Glass Bead Game was the lighthouse while WWII, observing to obtain the renewed time force of the war Era from future, about from 23rd century, of Abraham's prophecy, to recover from the destruction.
(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.