No.2473. Walking on Water.
In case of Latin [language] of the Bible, the (1) inflection, (2) conjugation, (3) declension of each Latin ward has been realized to respond each (4) era/age, (5) area [of world], and (6) spiritual experience. Fig.1's items of matrix can be derived from (1)~(6) or more of the important essences that the records are remaining in the churches.
In order to describe time force, two points are better, e.g. from past to present, for from future to present. Therefore it is better that any two sentences are chosen from the Bible when any description of time force is aimed. Not only for time, but also for space. If only one sentence is chosen, then it is better that a musical instrument, a paint or a picture is used to make spiritual space-time to be applied.
When the first scheme method is applied, if you hesitate to use Taoism for the second set, you can observe a thing or matter related to any practice and can apply divergence, convergence and sublation to the thing or matter as fig.2, and you can aim at nothing before nothing of emerging/leaving space-time as (3)~(0) of fig.3, then you can forget Taoism or the Ying-Yang.
As like above, if you hesitate the first set obtained from Freemaison's knowledge, you can practice as (1)~(4) of fig.3.
The first set was required from the pragmatism, the second set was required from "Den Morgenlandfahrern (To the Orient Travelers), both in the novel Glass Bead Game. and the second set. For the requirements, Taoism, Buddhism and Freemaison's knowledge will be applied. Each region of knowledge and method is tremendous [of space-time and category], if you chose it, lifetime will be needed. In other words, more people to practice will be required for the application from humankind's vast intellectual heritage to future, to past or to the open universe.

Reference for fig.2 and fig.3:
Divergence, Convergence, Sublation.
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