Article 1:
NAZIS’s propaganda. But Prajñā-pāramitā-hrdaya.
Update 1:
"Den Morgenlandfahrern (To the Orient Travelers )" is subtitle of the novel Glass Bead Game.
"Indischer Lebenslauf (Indian curriculum vitae)", it is a chapter of the novel Glass Bead Game, is very beautiful description as by a Glass Bead Game player, as beyond time and space, as spiritual practice toward infinite and ubiquitous existence.
Article 2:
Continuing to Study also on March 26th 2024, Hebrew Bible and -Gravity.
Update 2:

Article 3:
The Imaginary Number Space. The Twin Pillars and the Atmospheric current Meandering to Derive Abnormal Weather.
Update 3:

Article 4:
Studying Quantum Biology 2
Update 4:

Article 5:
Studying Minkowski’s Space-Time
Update 5:

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