I saw the 10 DVDs document of NAZIS, the films were made by USA and the UK soon after WWII.
In the films, Hitler said "our flag was made from nothing!"
But ...

Sauvastika (卍), the symbol, was on the head skin of Vishnu, the famous Hindu god, and also Buddhism uses the symbol. In Japan, Swastika is used on any map to indicate where Buddhism temple is.
Swastika is the reverse of Sauvastika, the 45 degree tilted Swastika was used for NAZIS's national flag as fig.2.
The same kind of design of sauvastika and swastika have been found "in various Eurasian cultures, as well as some African and American ones (Wikipedia)."
When we refer Buddhism,

In a range of my study for Buddhism, we are livng in an illusion, the illusion has been made by ourselves. But we can erase the illusion with Buddhism laws. And when we reach emptiness, we make even emptiness to emptiness. It is "是諸法空相 (this [means] the Buddhism laws are in empty phase)".
Hitler used this "nothing" as "we have right to erase everything." "Fear, only fear dominates the world ... Go! Descendants of Aryan! Humankind is something to ruin! And the German dawn will come after the ruin! (Hitler dared to misuse the Nietzsche philosophy of super-human for these phrases, for his propaganda)."
Compare (a) and (b).
I searched for an English translation of Prajñā-pāramitā-hrdaya, below is one of the translation.
Oṁ! Namo Bhagavatyai Ārya-Prajñāpāramitāyai!
Hail! Reverence to the Fortunate and Noble Perfection of Wisdom
There are greatest contexts on Earth, I experienced what I didn't know of Buddhism with a three DVDs set (fig.5), this contains information of Prajna Earth, Vajra Sky Over Tibet and Dharma River, it is with view points relating to Hindu.
Hopefully, no dead angle of fear and respect to a new world.

"Den Morgenlandfahrern (To the Orient Travelers )" is subtitle of the novel Glass Bead Game.
"Indischer Lebenslauf (Indian curriculum vitae)", it is a chapter of the novel Glass Bead Game, is very beautiful description as by a Glass Bead Game player, as beyond time and space, as spiritual practice toward infinite and ubiquitous existence.
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