Cabinet Office of Japan include the old Economic Planning Agency, Financial Services Agency, National Public Safety Commission, and the Cabinet Office treats any Emperor's issue founded in 2001. The Cabinet Office used for conference the papers on which a Chinese company's logo, and the logo's colours were replaced with white and gray colour, i.e. they dared to amend the logo's colour and used. The government explained it was "correct as documents".
I feel it as their loyalty to China. Isn't it?

The logo is "State Grid".
I go to a convenience store at about 1 A.M. to use ATM, it is almost twice a month. And almost all time, several people who seem bureaucrats, and who are speaking Chinese surrounding me. If it is so, they are so-called "China school."
ref. the article of the Mainichi news paper:
内閣府の会議資料に中国企業のロゴ 河野太郎氏、Xで釈明
Past my articles:
In 華夷秩序 (the world order of central flower and eastern kingdom)
On East China Sea, the three news, and my past article.
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