The dictionary is Ben-Yehuda's Pocket English-Hebrew [and] Hebrew-English Dictionary. The base of this dictionary is Eliezer Ben-Yehuda's, he revived Hebrew for our present time, "Dictionary and Thesaurus of the Hebrew Language." When I bought this pocket dictionary in 2020, it was 980 Yen (about $8 then).

As (φ, ψ), (0, ψ) is a linearly independent. And if n ≠ 0 then (n, ψ) is a linearly dependent, i.e. a mixed-made space.
(0, ψ) is lighter than (n, ψ), e.g. Earth's core and surface is lighter than Cosmos.
(i0, ψ) is lighter than ¬((0, ψ) = (i0, ψ)), e.g. a center made by i0 has repulsion or reflexive force (e.g. exiton).

When projection to 0 of E, projection to i0 of E remains of F-p (the Latin square).

I believe that if it seems nothing there, our life, thinking and mind are there. In order to observe it we need to awake the Genesis energy over the imaginary number space of (-n)^d = -n^d (i.e. |+time^d| = |-time^d|, the entire time = 0) at least, but since B.C. (Before Christ) prophets intuited the spiritual existence, i.e. before a first life cell on Earth potentially Adam and Eve exist, God is ubiquitous as Cosmos, Jesus
Christ is real existing in the entire universe as Ether Body over our solar system. Therefore I don't doubt other lives in the universe.

for F÷p, fig.8.4 or

I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

as reverse mathematics for any existence beyond Hilbert space:
(0 + alpha : 0) = ((0, i0) -> (0 : 0))
((alpha = 0 or ¬0) -> Fp) if ψn -> Gal(Q-closure/Q),
a ring is achieved -> the space exists.
I've alreaday shown F÷p (÷ ring of Fp),
- and ÷ are required to converge to material or energy,
then the reverse mathematics becomes possible.

An i0 including a particle generator knows {ln}\{0axis} | n ∈ 0~∞, there is the repulsion projection on (i0⊥0) of the coordinates.
When ln includes 0, it is {0\{0axes} → repultion}, e.g. ∞ of alef 0 (0th א) ≠ ∞ of alef 1 (1st א).

To observe a projection of fig.8.6 onto 0 of Galois' imaginary number roughly, I used wxMaxima of mathematics software. Here extra 2 nulls are added F+5 as Galois' imaginary number, it is calculated with F-7. Halmos's orthogonal exists at Xn,m. There is very complex space although this is only 2 dimensions, then the convergence of i0 can be calculated toward matter or energy.
As the reasons of the rough observation. I.e. when an Fp is reflexively given in a location of Cosmos, not given by a man/woman, the coefficients are needed.
(1) When the first digit is observed, + and - are just different direction of the spin.
(2) × ⇔ ÷, any × to obtain an image before ÷ in a ripple effect.

Compare with fig.10.3.

In fig.10.5, a cube and a square give [0, 0].
As analysis technique/technology, I'm observing what space of fig.10.3 and fig.10.4 is of giving [0, 0] of the leaps over [i0, 0].

god/don’t/to (power) in אין סףּ (Ein Sof); [the zero(s), dimensions] in [+∞, -∞]) -> any effect

I doubt the numbers of √(x^2). √(x^2) is a kind of norm.
Then I avoid 0 and replace 0 into 7 in fig.10.8b, because n/0 is impossible and 0 = p. And further I avoid the norm calculation (√(x^2) calculation).

And I observe a behavior of Fcombined-number, here F5+2.

fig.10.8 and fig.10.9:
(i0, ¬0) → noncommutative of rings and fields.
(|{+}set|amount = |{-}set|amount) → (i0, 0)coordinates.

fig.11.1, 11.2, 11.3 and fig.11.4:
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

When it is observed from i0, that any thinking ability, the spirit and spirit, and -gravity to voyage to the open universe are linked. And a way where life began too.
Thinking, spirit and soul in life linked; origin/beginning/Genesis.

Fig.14.0 (1):
Below is as the allegory of life and -gravity.
(1) You fold your clothes after you washed and dried it, because you can put most of it away in your cabinet.
(2) A man walks with 5 km/h to west in a train running 100 km/h to west. Another man walks to east in another train to east, the relative speed is 210 km/h, the both men can't stand in a same place.
(1)' When (ψ, φ) is folded to (ψ, 0), most of (ψ, 0) become a material. Then (0, φ) as vertical dimension is released into universe.
(2)' Two of (ψ, 0) have repulsion, but the released most of (0, φ) from the cosmos press multi-(ψ, 0), e.g. protons, into an atom, because any projection-to-0 space can arise to (ψ, 0) space. Then (0, φ) is in -gravity. (continued to below)

Fig.14.0 (2), fig.14.1, fig.14.2 and fig.14.3:
(continued from above)
(3) Dimensions are converged into a location, then it becomes material. And where the dimensions exists before the conversion becomes emitted space. The emitted space exists in non-ordinal space where "light speed" is meaningless, although "light speed" is 5 km/h of (2) relatively in same space if the space is ordinal. (continued below)

fig.15.0 (fig.1.3.0 (1)) is from
fig.15.0 (fig.1.3.0 (2)) is from

fig.15.1 and fig.15.2 (fig.1.3.1 and fig.1.3.2):
Carl Sagan's COSMOS was published and broadcasted in 1980. I had an interesting in the phenomenon since I was junior high school student.

(0, φ) of fig.14.3 is leaving for i0 as a -gravity center, (ψ, 0) is floating on the +gravity bubble.
(ψ, φ) is the case of any ^2 space. Fn^⊥ of the imaginary number space is needed to calculate any ^d (d>2) space of i0.
The link of fig.15.0~fig.15.3:
The Imaginary Number Space. The Twin Pillars and the Atmospheric current Meandering to Derive Abnormal Weather.
(Again from the above numbers)
(4) Human brain is made also the converged (ψ, 0), but the brain is open and reacting to (0, φ), the ancient prophet could listen from (0, φ) with their (ψ, 0), Socrates named this as "recalling." Naturally life is so, many of people watched the Prometheus's fire as Paris Olympic recently.
(5) x^d + y^d ≠ z^d but = z^d + α. When this (z^d + α) is treated as z^d, and when (-n)^d = -n^d is possible, (0, φ) in -gravity becomes possible to calculate. It is i0.
(6) When (ψ, 0) is generated, (0, φ) is emitted as -gravity against Earth, or when (0, φ) as -gravity from universe is applied, anti-gravity engine is possible.
(6)' Nuclear fission is -proton initial alchemy, nuclear fusion is +proton initial alchemy. Today a electric-power and nutrition (as food) generation with photosynthesis technology in USA, the experimentation of several nano-second -time jump of photon was succeeded in the UK last year. These are modern alchemy, and humankind will realize or synthesize further more toward future.
Toward the open universe! 😉
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