Any plan and any ability are able to be in the matrix of the first scheme method's life/existence dimensions, and our time is plural/multiplex and multi-dimensional able to be projected mutually.
E.g. (1-a) is a simple education, (1-b) is an advanced progress in a matrix, (1-c) and (2) is done by multi-dimensional projection with the first scheme method in case of a future cook and a future farmer.

If we knew India's and Thailand's meal well in 2019, and Taoism well with both good meaning and bad meaning (I respect Taoism and read Lao-tzu often also now), we could get better way when Covid-19 spread out.
And orthodox ways of thinking can be combined with fig.1's progress, as fig.2.

fig.1 and fig.2:
Human life is obviously dimensions, an interface for the dimensions is found with fig.1 and fig.2 structure as part. Keep your document, it can be considered to project your dimensions to this world, and it will may lead investments, economy, industry, the intellectual approach or productivity begin your life dimensions. In your country and world, then the intellectual property right will be great incentive, your dimensions deserve the future.
Below is as my personal note:
Humankind has obtained enough force to destroy themselves, therefore a war is begun to restrain an extinction. When it is now, we need not 100-amount-of-progress/196-countries nor 200/98, but 300/196 on our planet. I pray for people can live their beloved homeland. (I'll leave Japan).
I'm practicing the symbol method recently, and with the imaginary number space. In the novel Glass Bead Game, it is the technique/technology about in the 23rd century. And today is 13 Adar II 5784 in the Jewish calendar, 5 months and 6019 years since the Genesis awakening (since B.C. 4004 Oct. 22 6 p.m.). And now I'm approaching to discover the 30 axioms to be observed from 1000 years future (A.D. 3017 since A.D. 2017). The first reliable allies of 7012 years journey, as country, are USA, the UK, Germany, Switzerland, and naturally Israel. My teacher Ayao Ide told me a Russian diplomat was bringing and reading the Glass Bead Game of German edition, and I think a hub in the East side is important, although this will depend on the future condition, because now it is WWIII to avoid extinction and to be in self-destruction competition.
In the consideration of our history, Christian will estimate about 300 years to observe who will be reliable to join this journey, someone will awake fast, or not.
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