
The understanding concepts (the constructive concepts) of the understanding of reason ability of Kant philosophy are a-priori (the intuition being preceded any experience). See also 3 for the kinds of the understanding concepts.
In other hand, the reason concepts (love, freedom, eternal life ...) of the reason ability assumes cause being preceded any cause, therefore the reason concepts are transcendental. When it reaches a single transcendental reason concept, we call it God if any thought is phenomenon arisen at same time. God exist but humankind themselves aren't God ("yes I are"). This isn't possible in nature of law. But in nature of purpose, any connection in ubiquity for dimensions became possible in 1996 (I wrote this in my first notarized document I, the preparation. But the document I was stolen. The first scheme itself has been described in the notarized document II). It is {the first scheme method →any dimension 0}.
Walter Benjamin's model:
"reflexive of reflexive is any reason intuition (cause beyond cause)", I describe it as
(1) {first-reflexive⇦, second-reflexive⇦} → any reason intuition.
(2) (1) is possible between any constructive concepts, it was tried with the romanticism as Hesse wrote.
The first scheme method:
(3) {inner-reflexive⇦, outer-reflexive⇦} → an instance of transcendence.
(4) Walter Benjamin model is possible in (3) for any eternal ripple effect, from the single cause; eternal and infinite progress.
The reason intuition, ref. Kant category.

fig.2. fig.3:
Quantität der Urteile: quantity of the judgement
(1) Allgemeine: general
(2) Besondere: special
(3) Einzelne: individual
Qualität: quality
(1) Bejahende: affirmative
(2) Verneinende: rejecting
(3) Unendliche: infinite
Relation: relation
(1) Kategorische: categorical
(2) Hypothetische: hypothetical
(3) Disjunktive: disjunctive
Modalität: provision
(1) Problematische: problematic[al]
(2) Assertorische (behauptend): maintainning
(3) Apodiktische: apodictic (necessarily or self-evidently true)

The reason ability gets objects not directly, then the clear understanding (der reine Verstand) is a construction ability (of imagination), and brings the structures of occurring to the reason ability, but

As one of European heritage of logic in novel, regarded as a reason intuition, e.g.
"To be or not to be, that is the question." - Shakespeare -
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