No.2462. Genesis 4, Verse 21, any Clasp Fiddle and Organ.

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

No.2462. Genesis 4, Verse 21, any Clasp Fiddle and Organ.
fig.1. Genesis 4, Verse 21.

assignment of no.2462:
(a) {consonants; dimensions}class -> any effect.
(b) {base-x instrument}class to be realized (a).
(c) any effect in Cosmos -reflexive_study-> (consonant, dimension)plane | any dimension -> plane.
(d) approaches from (a) daily.

fig.2.0. an integration at i0 with the common denominator of music and mathematics.
fig.2.1. for the understanding of the beads of integration and disintegration.
fig.2.2. for example from fig.2.1 of the linked article.

fig.2.0, fig.2.1 and fig.2.2:
An example for a David instrument (the base-x instrument) in the common denominator of mathematics and music of the Glass Bead Game.

No.2458. Genesis 19, Verse 1 with the imaginary number space.

fig.3. as reference for ff(Fp) and Cosmos.

For an observation and the beads with a present instrument (a digital keyboard).

fig.4. as reference for [the zero(s), dimensions] in [+∞, -∞] of the first scheme method.

ref. fig.4
god/don’t/to (power) in אין סףּ (Ein Sof); [the zero(s), dimensions] in [+∞, -∞]) -> any effect

As toward the David instrument (base-x instrument), I will continue to approach no.2462.

(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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