Article 1:
god/don’t/to (power) in אין סףּ (Ein Sof); [the zero(s), dimensions] in [+∞, -∞]) -> any effect
Update 1:
There is -0 (or 0-) = -p as the closing direction (lim |Tn - T| -> ψn ∈ -0 (-p)), and -0 = -p derives {1 : 1}class of n distribution in the Latin square. It contributes life in light as fig.3.1.
Then, there is
URL 1:
Article 2:
Studying Minkowski's Space-Time
Update 2:
There is -0 (or 0-) = -p as the closing direction (lim |Tn - T| -> ψn ∈ -0 (-p)), and -0 = -p derives {1 : 1}class of n distribution in the Latin square. It contributes life in light as fig.18.0.
URL 2:
Article 3:
Studying Quantum Biology 2
Update 3:
There is -0 (or 0-) = -p as the closing direction (lim |Tn - T| -> ψn ∈ -0 (-p)), and -0 = -p derives {1 : 1}class of n distribution in the Latin square. It contributes life in light as fig.12.0.
URL 3:
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