Article 1:
god/don’t/to (power) in אין סףּ (Ein Sof); [the zero(s), dimensions] in [+∞, -∞]) -> any effect
Update 1:
As I translated: אלהים, god/don't/to + the sea, I researched from each consonant potential as fig.3.0,

... and
As I translated: אלהים, god/don't/to + the sea, I researched for Genesis 1-1 from each consonant potential as fig.3.0, and discovered fig.3.1 and fig.3.2,

Genesis energy; Genesis 1, Verse 1.
And ...
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Article 2:
Studying Minkowski's Space-Time
Update 2:

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Article 3:
Studying Quantum Biology 2
Update 3:

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